1.He did very well in the Chinese test. He was very ______. (    )
A.sad    B.excited    C.afraid
2.—Does Tom learn English _______?  (        )
—Yes, he often _______ English books after dinner.
A.good; reads    B.well; reads    C.well; looks
3.—_____ you _____ a parrot show in the park yesterday? (   )
—Yes, that’s interesting.
A.Do; see    B.Did; look at    C.Did; watch
4.We can see ________ in the UK and ________ in Canada. (    )
A.Stonehenge; Great Barrier Reef
B.Grand Canyon; Uluru
C.Buckingham Palace; Niagara Falls
5.We ________ use glass bottles. We ________ use too many plastic bottles. (    )
A.should; should    B.shouldn’t; should    C.should; shouldn’t
6.—Did you clean your room? (     )   
—No, I ________.
A.don’t    B.did    C.didn’t
7.I had ______ cold and stayed at home all weekend. (   )
A.the    B.an    C.a
8.It’s a nice day. Let’s ______ a picnic this afternoon. (    )
A.going to have    B.having    C.have    D.to have
9.There is _______ apple on your desk. (    )
A.a    B.an    C.two
10.Ten years ago, I ______ play football. (    )
A.am    B.couldn’t    C.will
11.I ________ a film last weekend. (    )
A.see    B.seeing    C.saw
12.—What _______? (   )
—I fell off the wall last night.
A.happen    B.happened    C.happening
13.The boy was short before, _______ he’s tall now. (   )
A.and    B.but    C.so
14.Before, we _______ computer rooms at school. But now we have three. (   )
A.have    B.have two    C.didn’t have
15.Both of us did sports yesterday. I _______ a bike and she _______ swimming. (   )
A.rode; went    B.went; went    C.ride; goes
16.He usually ______ camping on the weekend. But last weekend he ______ at home. (    )
A.go; stay    B.goes; stays    C.goes; stayed
17.There is going to be a good film at the ____. (   )
A.stadium    B.cinema    C.office    D.school
18.The twins are talking ______ their hobbies ______ their classmates. (    )
A.about; with    B./; with    C.with; about
19.Yang Ling likes sweet food, ______ she eats a little at a time. (    )
A.so    B.because    C.and    D.but
20.—_______ did you _______ yesterday? (   )
—I went to the bookstore.
A.What; go    B.Where; went    C.Where; go
21.Tom _____ (get) up early last Monday.
22.We shouldn’t _____ (cut) down the trees.
23.Peter likes swimming and ______ (read) stories.
24.—Did you go to the nature park?
—Yes, I ________ (take) many pictures there.
25.Jane ____ (get) up at 7: every day, so she is always late for school.
26.Would you like _________ (drink) some coffee?
27.Nick is great! He always _______ (完成) his homework before eight.
28.I __________ (watch) TV last night.
29.He is my new _______ (teach). He _______ (teach) us English.
30.He is good at _______ (write). He _______ (want) to write stories for children.
31.People in China welcome v________.
32.My mother got up early and she w________ me up this morning.
33.依法行政The summer holiday is coming. Mike will go b________ to London for a month.
34.People in Australia ____________ (欢迎游客).
35.People in the UK _______ (欢迎) visitors.
36.The policeman is very tall and ________ (强壮的).
37.Turn at the first crossing, and you can see the bookstore. (ftel)
38.Yang Ling always b______ her teeth in the morning and before bedtime.
39.My grandparents often give us red _________ (红包) on Chinese New Year’s Eve.
40.We _____ (买) some flowers for Miss Yang last night.
I am John, an American __41___. I’m eleven years old. I __42___ in Yucai school. My home is near my school. I usually go to school __43蜂房蚁穴___ foot.
My father __44___ a brother. He is my Uncle John. John is very 立秋的文案__45___. I like to play with him. He is tall and __46___. He is a __47___. He works at sea. I like __48___ his stories about fish. He works on a big __49身份证怎么挂失___. He works from morning to evening. He is hard­working. He will go home next week. I'm so __50___ to see him again (又,再).
41、A.boy    B.girl    C.woman
42、A.studies    B.study    C.studying
43、A.by    B.take    C.on
44、A.have    B.has    C.is
45、A.funny    B.strict    C.worried
46、A.short    B.long    C.strong
47、A.pilot    B.fisherman    C.postman
48、A.listening to    B.read    C.listen
49、A.factory    B.ship    C.bus
50、A.sad    B.angry    C.happy
Hello, I’m Liu Yun. Amy is my new pen pal. She lives in America. Her father is a doctor. He goes to work by car. Her mother is a TV reporter. She goes to work by subway. Amy is 12 years old. She likes listening to music. She goes to school by bus. She does homework and reads newspapers every day. Amy says her family is coming to Beijing soon to watch the Olympic Games. I’m very excited.
