江阴集体土地使用证  翻译
JIANYING Collective Construction File No. (92) 00439.
Land Use Certificate of
The Collective Construction Land
    Lands in the cities are owned by the state.
    Lands in the rural and suburban area ,except what defined to be state-owned , are owned by the collective;  rural homestead , Private plots and private hill lands are owned by the collective too.
    According to the laws, the state could expropriate lands for public interest.
All persons and organizations shall not encroach, purchase or transfer lands illegally. But the land use right could be transferred legally.
    All the organizations and persons shall make reasonable use of the lands.
                      From the Constitution of The People’s Republic of China
优秀班主任主要事迹The land ownership and use right is protected by the law, which shall not be occupied by any unit or individual.
From Land Management of The People’s Republic of China
In accordance with the Constitution of The People’s Republic of China , The Law of Land Administration of the People’s Republic of China 北京健康宝弹窗4怎么解决and The Law of the People’s Republic of China on Urban Real Estate Administration, in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the land-use right owners, the area of the land listed on this Certificate, which was applied by the land-use right owner, is confirmed to be authentic, and it is hereby to issue this Certificate.
                      Fuqing Municipal People’s Government (Seal)
                                            November , 1992
                            Unit of area: square meter 今天立秋是什么时间
Land user
Wang Changhai
Land location
Xialong Ziran Village, Zhuangqian Village, Jiangying Town
Figure No
Land No.
Type of land 
Land grading
Area of land
Construction area
sole possessed area
shared public area
Land use
Four ends of the land
Open space near the its wall
Hillside fields near its wall
Open space near the its wall
Open space near the its wall
Expiry date 
        The land of 23.1 ㎡ within the read dotted line is temporarily used land.
Issuing unit
Fuqing Land Administration Bureau (seal)
House Owner
Lin Chun
House Location
No.9 Yucai Road, Yuxi Village, Yuxi Town
Parcel (Land) No.
Section  0 Land No 389
Type of Real Estate
Private-owned Real Estate
House Conditions
Building Number
House Number
Total Floors
Located Floor
桃之夭夭灼灼其华什么意思Construction Area (m2)
Entire apart-
Hereunder blank
Hereunder blank
Hereunder blank
Co-owner: QIAN Yixuan 
Co-ownership Certificate No.:
From    to 
Abstract of Land Using Conditions
Land Certificate No.
Usable Area (m2)
Nature of Ownership
Service Life
From      to
Abstract of Other Setting Rights
Type of Right
Scope of Right
Value of Right (Yuan)
Setting D牙疼怎么办立刻止疼ate
Agreed Term
Date of Cancellation
Registered and approved to build a new 4-floor composite- structure building in January, 2007
Issuing Authoriy: Fuqing Real Estate Administrative Bourse(seal)
Issuing Date: Jun .15th, 2008
