杭州健身>吴川飘My favorite Chinese dish is Henan stewed noodles.
The stewed noodles in Henan Province were not boasted.It is said that it was more than 600 years ago.It was recorded in history more than 1300 years ago.It was first called"kylin noodles"in the Tang Palace.Later,in the Guangxu period,guozixing improvised it as"stewed noodles",which has been handed down to this day.There are now"Heji stewed noodles","Xiaoji stewed noodles","Baiji stewed noodles"and so on.There are many unknown but delicious noodles.Each family has its own unique features.First of all,the essence of stewed noodles is soup.To cook soup,you should choose superior tender mutton and sheep bones(bones alone should be fused with multiple bones on the sheep)and cook them for more than five hours.First,boil them with a large fire,and then use a small fire to boil them.In addition,you should place seven or eight traditional Chinese medicines.How else can you call them"nourishing"?Bone soup is boiled until it is as white as milk.The second is noodles in stewed noodles.The noodles used are pulled noodles,simi
北京景点介绍lar to pulled noodles,but slightly different.Generally,white flour or high-grade flour is mixed with an appropriate amount of salt to form a soft surface,which is repeatedly rubbed to make it strong and tough,and then made into an embryo of two Liang.A small amount of edible oil is applied to prevent its adhesion for standby.If you order a bowl of Henan stewed noodles,the chef in the back kitchen will use a small pot to leave a stewed mutton soup like milk,pull the prepared noodles into thin and uniform strips,put the mutton in the pot,add cauliflower,agaric,vermicelli,shredded kelp,shredded tofu,quail eggs,etc.,and sprinkle coriander,chili oil,sweet garlic,etc.when you serve them,the taste is delicious.健康成长手抄报
