教师节祝福词51C hinese food enjoys great popularity in Britain. It has now become one of the main British staples. According to an article in Chine-info, the documentary A Bite of China has triggered a new surge of interest in Chinese food in China and abroad. How much do British people like Chinese food? Let’s look at some statistics. The online retailer Amazon has experienced a year-on-year in-crease of 46% in sales of Chinese woks. In addition, according to reports from market research companies, sales of soya sauce and readymade Chinese meals (those that can be cooked in a microwave) are also on the increase.Spicy Chinese foods are highly popular in Britain's? Chinese food regarded by the British to be healthier than others? Such a status is highly flattering for Chinese food, but for other Europeans, Chinese cooking produces a lot of oily fumes, and the food is greasy, salty and often hot enough to reduce people to tears. In reality, Chinese food varies sig-nificantly. Apart from being spicy, it can also be lightly seasoned. With improvements in living standards, Chinese eating habits have changed. Lightly seasoned dishes, dishes that contain lower calories and steamed foods that are less greasy have become more popular on dinner tables. On account of the high Vitamin C content in chillies and its appetizing property, even spicy dishes can be regarded as healthy when chillies are added in moderation.In addition, Chinese people prefer foods that are in season and will often prefer to cook in-season fruits and vegetables. In carefully prepared dishes, you can even taste the seasonal changes. The Chinese are also mindful of the medicinal effects of t
匪侠he ingredients used in Chinese cui-sine. Chinese chefs place great importance on the balance of meat and vegetable ingredients, and bring together foods with contrasting proper-ties to maintain the traditional principles of Yin and Yang to keep people in good health. For overseas Chinese, Chinese food not only appeals to their tastes, but also provides relief from their homesickness. They cook Chinese food wherever they are, bringing Chinese food culture to foreign lands. This is one of the reasons why Chinese food is enjoying increasing popularity worldwide.More than a quarter of the world’s population is eating Chinese food, including more and more foreign leaders, such as former French Presi-dents Chirac and Sarkozy, former U.S. President Bush senior, British Prime Minister Cameron. They became natural spokesmen for Chinese food after they experienced the delights of Chinese food during their vis-its to China. In France, chefs are considered artists. The renowned chef Paul Bo-cuse is regarded as a state treasure. There is even a specialised institution - Michelin that grades restaurants. In contrast, a chef in China, more often than not, is called a cook. China also lacks a recognised restaurant grading system. There is still a long way to go for internationalization of Chinese food.
(Chine-info, Jun .22)海口旅游景点
中餐的国际化之路51中式饮食在英国大受欢迎,现已成为英国主要的民族美食之一。法国《欧洲时报》近期刊文表示,中国菜不仅在英国受欢迎,随着纪录片《舌尖上的中国》的热播,中餐文化在海内外再掀新热潮。英国人有多么喜欢中国菜从一些数据便可看出。在网络零售商亚马逊网站上,炒菜锅的销量保持着每年46%的增长。另外,根据市场调研公司的报告,酱油和即食中餐(用微波炉简单加热就可食用)销量也有所增长。 辣系中国菜获得英国人喜爱中餐被英国人认为更健康如此颠覆的观念,令中餐有些受宠若惊。欧洲人的印象里,中式炒菜油烟大,油多,味重,常常辣得外国人直掉泪。其实,中国菜系丰富,除了辣味,更有清淡口味,随着中国人生活水平提高、饮食习惯变化,口味重的菜进行了改良,热量较低的炒菜、不油腻的蒸菜成为餐桌上的畅销菜。即便是辣系菜,由于辣椒中维生素C 含量高,能增进食欲,少量摄入也被认为是健康的。 另外,中国人讲究“过时不食”,烹饪时优先选择当季果蔬,从一道道精致的佳肴可以感知时令的变化。中餐还讲究食补、食疗,厨师注重讲究荤素搭配,上火食材与败火食材同煮,遵循“阴阳平衡”的传统养生理念。 对于海外华侨华人而言,故乡的美食不仅解口腹之欲,也可解乡愁。他们在海外沿袭中式吃法,也将中国饮食文化带给当地人。这也是中餐在海外越来越吃香的原因之一。 全世界有超过1/4的人口都在吃中餐,而且越来越多的外国政要与中餐结缘。法国前总统希拉克、萨科齐、美国前总统老布什、英国首相卡梅伦等,品尝中国特美食是其访华不可或缺的一环,客观上传播了中餐的美誉度、知名度。 但在法国,厨师属于艺术家范畴,名厨保罗·博古斯(Paul Bocuse)是法国国宝级人物,法国还有一家专门给餐厅做权威鉴定的机构米其林。而在中国,厨师更多的时候被称为厨子,对中餐缺乏规范的评价体系。中餐的国
际化之路,还很长。 (法国《欧洲时报》6月22日)Confucius Institute VOLUME 33 | NO.4 JUL. 2014
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