Journal of Chinese Urban Forestr^^
Vol. 15 No.4三国无双6
wwe摔角手生产经营的主要场所。然而,在快速的城市化进程中,经济发展、社会进步和生活改善的同时,引发了众 多的生态环境问题,以及城市文脉丧失等社会经济类“新型都市病”。建设生态宜居城市,正成为现阶段的 重要社会需求。文章从生态哲学思想的视角,依据城市发展的规律及复合生态系统的基本属性,认为城市生态建设和城市生态学研究应具有生命观、动态观、系统观的都市生态“三观”,并在梳理中国新时期城市发展所历经的不同阶段以及建设的不同侧面基础上,剖析了城市生态环境建设中存在的违背自然生态规律的“伪生态” “假生态”现象,针对性地倡导营造以乡土植物以及土著动物为主体的“近自然森林”,构建区域地标性生物落,在规划设计、建设实施及管理经营3个层面,真正地演绎体现“真生态”,使 其成为能够表征城市区域特征的生命新地标,为建设生态型宜居城市构筑生命的绿基础设施。
DOI:10.3969/j. issn. 1672 -4925.2017.04.001
Ecological and livable city and near-natural forest
------Urban living landmark construction based on ecological philosophy
Da Liangjun Guo Xueyan
(School of Ecology & Environment Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
Shanghai Key Lab for Urban Ecological Processes and Eco-Restoration,
2020春节档电影East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)
Abstract:At present, the average global urbanization rate has already surpassed 50% , and the urbanization rate of China reached 57% in 2016. Urban areas has become the primary place for human living and producing activities.
瞬杀特性However, to accelerate economic development, social progress and life improvement , the rapid urbanization has also caused lots of ecological environment problems, as well as socioeconomic “new urban disease” which included the loss of urban context . Ecological livable city construction, is becoming the important social needs at the present stage. This paper notes that, according to the urban development law and the basic properties of complex ecosystem, urban ecological construction and urban ecology research should have urban ecology “through” including life view, dynamic view and system view from the perspective of ecological philosophy. The author combs different stages of Chinas urban development in the new period and different aspects of the construction, and analyzes the “false and fake ecological ” phenomenon which are against the natur
al ecological law during urban ecological environment construction. “Near natural forest” by building biomes including native plants and animals , should be targeted a 收稿日期:2017 -08 - 12
作者简介:达良俊(1962 -),男,华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院教授,生态学理学博士,博士研究生导师,上海市“城市化生态过程与生态恢复”重点实验室主任,研究方向为城市生态学与植被生态学,E-mail:ljda@
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