姓名________ 准考证号码________
1.Where there‟s______wil there‟s a way.
A./              B.a                C.an            D.the
2.In China,September 10 th  is ______。
A.Nurses Day      B.Nurse‟s Day C.Teacher Day    D.Teachers‟ Day
3.We have two foreign teachers here.One is from England,and______ is from A merica。
A.other          B.others            C.another          D.the other
4.Could I have an early morning call______six o‟clock tomorrow?
A.at              B.to              C.on              D.in
5.Mum,what are you cooking?It______very nice.
A.sounds          B.smells            C.feels            D.watches
6.The shopkeeper should make every effort to meet the customers‟ ______.
A.hope            B.needs            C.achievements      D.ideas
7.—Can you understand me?
—Sorry.I can______ understand what you‟ve said.
A.easily          B.nearly            C.hatdly        D.carefully
8.______of the land in  t hat country______covered wit h tree and grass.
A.Three seventh;is                    B.Three sevenths;is
C.Three seventh;are                      D.Three sevenths;are
9.—Helen,can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show?
—Ok,but a dress might be______.
A.good          B.well              C.better            D.worse
10.We have two ears and one mout h so that we can listen______we speak.
国家公休假规定A.twice as much as                      B.as twice much as
C.as much as twice                  D.as much twice as
11.Parents often ask their kids______their Internet friends because t he kids may be in danger.
A.meet          B.meet ing            C.to  meet          D.not to meet
12.At a company event in Hangzhou city,48-year-old Ma Yun said,“From tomorrow I will have a new life and life______my job。”
A.is            B.was              C.will be            D.will have
13.President Xi J inping arrived in Moscow on March 22nd and______warmly by Russian people. A.welcome        B.will welcome  C.has welcomed      D.was welcomed
14.Jack‟s never seen a three-D mov ie at the cinema, ______?
A.hasn‟t he    B.has he            C.isn‟t he        D.is he
15.—Where are you going for your holiday?
A.don‟t decide  B.didn‟t decide    C.hadn‟t decided  D.haven‟t decided
16.—Who‟ singing in the next room?Is it Lucy?
—It______be her.She has gone to New York。
A.can‟t        B.must            C.shouldn‟t      D.can
17.To tell you the truth,not only you but also she______given away all the pocket money to Project Hope。A.is            B.are              C.has              D.have
18.—What do you think of the film To The Youth?
—It‟s wonderful.The only pity is th at I______the beginning of it。
A.missed        B.was missing        C.miss            D.will miss
19.My computer doesn‟t work.I must have it ______.
A.repair        B.repairs            C.repaired          D.repairing
20.Most students like t he teacher______can understand them well.
A.who          B.that              C.whose            D.which
21._____the girl is only ten,she tacks care of her brother and cooks meals every day.
A.If            B.As              C.Because        D.A lthough
22.Now t he hottest topic_____people are talking about is the safety of food.
A.that          B.who              C.when              D.where
23.There will be a big flower show in the city_____we travelled last week.
A.who          B.where            C.when              D.which
24.If  I_____in your posit ion ,I would accept their offer.
A.am          B.was              C.were              D.will be
25.Your new dress looks so beautiful.Could you please tell me_____?
A.where do you buy it                B.where you buy it反映技艺高超的成语
C.where did you buy it              D.where you bought it
26.—What are you busy_____these days?
—Nothing much.
A.do            B.doting            C.to do              D.done
27.—We have finished watering all the trees,Miss Yao.
—_____!Boys and girls,let‟s have a break.
A.Good luck                          B.Well done
C.Good idea                          D.Best wishes
28.—How terrible!Two persons in our province have died form H7N9 flu.
—Don‟t be_____.I think we can get over the disease.
A.angry        B.t ired            C.careless            D.nervous
29.—Sandy,will you please go and move that desk?
A.How is it                            B.How much
C.What for                            D.What is it
30.—I am going to have a job interv iew tomorrow morning.
—Well. _____!
A.Good Luck                          B.I‟m sorry to hear that
C.You may go                          D.Have a good time
Recently,CCTV journalists have interv iewed many different people.They ask a simple question ,“Are
you  31  ?”
Most of the people are puzzled about it.Even Mo Yan,who recently  32  a Nobel Prise,responded by saying,“I don‟t know.”
As the question has become a buzz phase(热门语句)on the Internet,many of us  33  what happiness is and how we should measure it.
Once China‟s former Premier Wen Jiabao said,“what we do is aimed at letting people live more happily.”At last the government agreed that34  people‟s sense of happiness would be a top task for the 12th five-year plan. Many people suggest that happiness comes35  many different ways.It also means different things to different people.For some people,happiness can be as36  as having enough money to buy a new bicycle.For others,it‟s about a37  business or finding the perfect wife or husband.
Then there is the  38  of measuring happiness.Does it mean being rich and famous?Or does it39  on how many friends we have,or wheth we can own the latest smart phone?Many people agree happiness means more and  40 than all those.Even some economists(经济学家)are trying to use“happiness”to judge the qualities of people‟s lives.
31.A.kind            B.funny            C.tired          D.happy
32.A.won            B.worked            C.foun          D.heard
33.A.decide          B.wonder            C.begin          D.solve
34.A.dropping        B.losing            C.reducing        D.increasing
35.A.in              B.of                C.down          D.wit h
36.A.much            B.boring            C.simple        D.useless
37.A. careful          B.successful        C.difficult        D.broken
38.A. question          B.advice            C.meaning        D.secret
39.A.go              B.pass              C.work            D.depend
40.A. less              B.easier            C.larger            D.shorter
On the first day of college,our teacher asked us to get to know someone who we didn‟tknow.
I stood up to look around when a hand touched my shoulder.I t urned around to find a(an)41  lady.She smiled at me and said,“Hello,my name is Rose.I‟m eighty-seven years old.”I was surprised and asked,“42  are you in college?”
“I always dreamed of having43  and now I‟m gett ing one!”she told me.After class we often walked t ogether and because good friends.
Rose became a campus icon(校园偶像).In our school ,almost everyone loved her and  44 her.At the end of the term,Rose gave us a speech.She said,“There are some secrets to staying young, 45  happy and achieving success.You‟ve go t to have a  46  .When you lose your dreams,you die.We have so many people walking
around who don‟t even know it!There is a grest difference between growing older and  47  .Anybody can grow older.That doesn‟t take any talent or ability.The idea is to grow up by always  48  the opportunity in change.”One week  49  graduat ion Rose died peacefully.Over two thousand college students attended her funeral.They came to honor the wonderful woman who taught that it‟s  50  too late to be all you can possibly be. 41.A.old            B.young            C.ugly            D.pretty
42.A.How            B.Why              C.Where          D.When
43.A.a good meal                          B.an interesting skill
C.a college education
D.a middle school educat ion
44.A.asked to        B.learned form        C.studied for      D.pictured on
45.A.be            B.is                  C.are            D.being
46.A.friend          B.dream              C.classmate        D.college
47.A.older          B.dead              C.growing        D.growing up
48.A.find            B.finds              C.finding          D.to find
49.A.ago            B.over                C.after            D.later
50.A.never          B.seldom            C.often            D.always
Mrs Smith has a bottle of medicine named 606 POWDER FOR COLD (606PFC) at home. Here is the instruct ion of it.
Description: For the relief (削除) of common cold, cough, headache, fever and sore
Directions: Take three t imes after meals.You must obey the following dose(剂量)each
Under 6 years: ask for a doctor
6—11 years: 1/2 spoon=5g
12 years or above: 1spoon=10g
Weight: 60g each bottle
Production Date: May 18, 2013
Keeping Time: 3 years
Warning:①Put in a cool, dry and clean place.Keep away from sunlight and the reach of
②Don‟t overdose. In case of overdose, get medical help as soon as possible.
③Don‟t take if you have heart disease, high blood pressure or are going to give a
④ Stop taking and go to ask a doctor if you feel sleepy, tired and nervous in an
hour after taking.
⑤Don‟t keep on using over one week.
51. What kind of patients mustn‟t take 606PFC? The patients who have got a ____.
A.fever            B.cough
C.sore throat  D.heart disease
52.How many days can a bottle of 606PFC last for an adult patient at least?
A.One day.        B.Two days.
C.Three days.      D.Six days.
53.Which of the following is the best place for keeping 606PFC?
A.A place with no sunlight in the window.
B.A clean place near t he window.
C.  A clean drawer in the bedroom.
D.A dry place near a fireplace.
54.Mrs Smit h‟s baby, John, six months old, has got a cold. S he should ______.
A.feed him 1/2 spoon of 606PFC three t imes a day
B.feed him 1 spoon of 606PFC three times a day
C.feed him 1/2 spoon of 606PFC only once
D.take John to see a doctor and get to know what‟s wrong with her son
55.Which of the following is NO T true?
A.Patients can take the 606PFC in February,2017.
B.If patients take more than one spoon at a time, they need to see a doctor.
C.If patients don‟t feel well after taking, they need to see a doctor.
D.Patients can‟t use 606PFC for more than seven da ys.
Tony was an ordinary worker in an oil company in A merica. His workmates gave a nickname“Four dollars a bucket of oil” below his name whenever and whenever and wherever he wrote down his name.
As time went by, people forgot his real name.Later,whe n Brown,the board chairman of t he oil company, heard of it, he was very surprised, so he invited Tony to come to his office.
“Some people give you a nickname for…Four dollars a bucket‟. Why aren‟t you angry?” asked Brown in surprise.“Oh! Mr Brown! I like this nickname very much, because …Four dollars a bucket‟is our company‟s advertisement. If someone calls me …Four dollars a bucket‟once, I think it‟s a free advertisement for our company. It‟s not necessary for me to get angry. Don‟t you think so, Mr Brow n? ”
“What a wonderful man! ”Brown said excitedly. “Young man! Work hard, you must be successful one
day! I believe in you!”
Five years later, Tony became the second board chairman.
Later Tony said in one of his reports,“We should treat everything act ively because maybe our success will begin from a small thing!”
56.What was Tony in the oil company at the beginning?
A.A worker.          B.A assistant.
C.A manager.          D.A board chairman.
57.Why did Tony like his nickname? Because______.
A.it was funny
B.he could become famous
C.it could make his workmates happy
D.he could make a free advertisement for his company
58.Brown thought t hat Tony was a _____man.
A.nice    B.careful    C.silly    D.honest
59.What‟s the RIGHT order according to the passage?
a.People forgot Tony‟s real name.
b.Brown asked Tony‟s why he wasn‟t angry.
