HP ProBook 4431s 笔记本键盘的拆卸
HP ProBook 4431s 笔记本键盘的拆卸
为了给HP ProBook 4431s笔记本清理灰尘,尝试拆卸键盘。将电池去掉反过来倒过去看了N遍,硬是没到下手的地。将电池盒后面的几颗螺丝卸掉后,尝试从前面撬开键盘。键盘确实被撬开了一个拐角,然后就撬不动了,如果再横施暴力的话,恐怕这台半新的机器要报废了。无奈只好放弃拆卸,可是想将键盘复原的时候,却发现无论如何也不能将键盘弄服帖了,就是一角翘着,打字也不顺手了。
Keyboard removal
Caution! Observe all precautions when removing and replacing components.
Before you begin: Remove the battery, service door, and optical disk drive.
Remove the one 6 mm P1 Phillips-head screw identified with a keyboard icon that secures the keyboard to the base enclosure.
Remove the one 4 mm P1 Phillips-head screw next to the system fan that secures the keyboard to the base enclosure.
Using a probe tool, gently press into the optical disk drive bay until the keyboard releases from the top cover.新农合最后缴费时间
Turn the notebook right side up and open the display panel fully.
Using your finger or a flat bladed non-marring tool, gently lift up on the rear edge of the keyboard to disengage the keyboard from the top cover.
Slide the keyboard towards the rear of the notebook to release the tabs at the front of the keyboard.
Turn the keyboard face down on the top cover.
Important! Do not lift the keyboard further away from the notebook than necessary to access the keyboard ribbon cable and ZIF connector.
深秋的诗句深秋的诗词Gently lift up on the locking bar to the keyboard ZIF connector and remove the keyboard ribbon cable.
Important! Use care to prevent damaging the ZIF connector and ribbon cable.
Remove the keyboard.
Keyboard replacement
Place the keyboard face down on the top cover so that the keyboard ribbon cable and ZIF connector are accessible.
Insert the keyboard ribbon cable into the ZIF connector on the system board and gently press down on the ZIF connector locking bar.
Important! Use care to prevent damaging the ZIF connector and ribbon cable.
种花Toe the tabs on the bottom edge of the keyboard into the top cover.
Press the keyboard flat until it engages with the top cover.
Close the display panel and turn the notebook upside down.
Replace the one 4 mm P1 Phillips-head screw next to the system fan that secures the keyboard to the base enclosure.
Replace the one 6 mm P1 Phillips-head screw identified with a keyboard icon that secures the keyboard to the base enclosure.

二、HP ProBook 4431s笔记本外形
