(一) 经济全球化带来的有利因素
资本的进入有利于我国国有企业建立现代企业制度 4、外资进入有助于解决发展中国家剩
余劳动力就业问题 5、经济全球化促进了发展中国家的金融市场的完善,有利于发展中国家
的货币化和金融深化 6、资本的进入有利于非市场经济国家的经济转型
(二) 经济全球化带来的弊端
重大的国际债务危机。 2、外资进入对民族资本和民族工业冲击较大 3、经济全球化使
发展中国家生态环境和可持续发展的矛盾日益尖锐 4、跨国资本的进入增大了金融市场的
展中国家和发达国家之间经济发展的不平衡 7、经济全球化在一定程度上损害了发展中国
首先,经济全球化是生产力发展的客观必然,是世界经济发展的客观历史潮流, 因此,我
Globalization is a concept , it is also a phenomenon of human society's development. There are various definitions of globalization, the usual sense of the concept of globalization is the
contact of every country and region become increasingly linked. the  development of human life on the basis of the global scale and the rise of the global consciousness. The interdependence of political,  economic trade has become more and more obvious between
country and country. Globalization also can explain for world
compression and treat the world as a whole.
, Economic globalization is the product of global
economic and technology development . who satisfy the
requirements of the development of the productive to a certain
degree. and to promote the development of every country
economies. Globalization creates conditions for widening
international exchanges, strengthening mutual understanding
between nations, expanding cultural, educational, and scientific  cooperation between nations and c支付分开通
ountries, enjoying the cultural  achievements of people around the world which encourages the
绿食品有哪些process of modernization and the enrichment of national culture.
However, these conditions also create the possible danger。
, Later, we’ll give you a detailed introduction about the
advantages and disadvantages of globalization.
, Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization , Some Advantages  , Increased free trade between nations
, Increased liquidity of capital allowing investors in
developed nations to invest in developing nations
, Corporations have greater flexibility to operate across
, Global mass media ties the world together
, Increased flow of communications allows vital
information to be shared between individuals and
corporations around the world
, Greater ease and speed of transportation for goods and
, Reduction of cultural barriers increases the global
village effect
, Spread of democratic ideals to developed nations , Greater interdependence of nation-states
, Reduction of likelihood of war between developed
, Increases in environmental protection in developed
, Some Disadvantages
, The side effects of the Economic Globalization can be
divided into several aspects. Firstly, a world of fund is
involved into the country from the international market which
will give birth to International Debt Crisis, and as we all known ,  it happened in Mexico in 1995,in other word, we should learn
something about how to cope with the relationship between the Economic Globalization and the domestic economy. There is no doubt that the Economic Globalization will have a significant impact on the
national economy, which is vital to keep the security of the nation. Secondly, the Economic Globalization will make it difficult to keep the eco-environment getting well along with the sustainable development. That’s to say, when the country couldn’t control the rational investment of international
capital in different industries, his economic destiny is dominated by the international economy, and the environment and development are impossible to survive. The one who will benefit most from the Economic Globalization maybe the developing countries, but they don’t have the enough and efficient experiments to face and solve the International Debt Crisis, and the developed can. Especially to the developing countries, the international capital is not only a huge temptation of vast developing opportunity, but also a trap which will make their economy be trapped. And then, it will do great harm to the economy sovereignty of the developing countries. Finally, the Economic Globalization is the globalization of capital, and the developed achieve the maximal profit by virtue of fund invested, and the developing
just solve the problem of lack of financing. By contrast, the economic distance has been more and more tremendous, gap between the developed and the developing is beyond our imagination, which is necessary to be taken into
