1.All is Found - Evan Rachel Wood
Where the north wind meets the sea 北风吹过,海浪起
There's a river full of memory 文言文狼的翻译有一条河流,充满回忆
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound 我的宝贝,快进入梦乡 2020年打春时间到几点>3月1号新规For in this river all is found 河里藏着,一切的真相 In her waters, deep and true 河水深深,澄澈流淌 Lay the answers and a path for you 那里有你的出路,与追寻的答案 Dive down deep into her sound 追寻她的声音,潜入水底 But not too far or you'll be drowned 但别走得太远,以免沉溺
Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear 她会为所有的听者歌唱
And in her song, all magic flows 在她歌声里有魔法流淌
But can you brave what you most fear? 但你能否勇敢直面内心恐惧
Can you face what the river knows? 能否坦然接受,河中的秘密
Where the north wind meets the sea 北风吹过,海浪起
There's a mother full of memory 有一位母亲,充满回忆
Come, my darling, homeward bound 来吧宝贝,快回到家里
When all is lost, then all is found 一切尽失时,万物终再临

2Some Things Never Change

Yes the wind blows a little bit colder 秋天来临 凉风习习技术职称考试
And we're all getting older
关于桥的作文岁月流逝 我们渐渐长大
And the clouds are moving on with every autumn breeze
秋风走过 白云飘飘
Peter Pumpkin just became fertilizer 丰收时节 南瓜也已成熟
And my leaf's a little sadder and wiser 落叶开始变多 铺满大地
That's why I rely on certain certainties 于是我一直坚信着
Yes some things never change
没错 有些事从未改变
Like the feel of your hand in mine 就像我牵起你的手时 那温暖的感觉 Some things stay the same 有些事一如既往
Like how we get along just fine 就像我们和睦美好的生活
Like an old stone wall that'll never fall 就像古老的石墙从未坍塌 Some things are always true 有些事从未改变
Some things never change 有些事不曾改变
Like how I'm holding on tight to you 就像你我 紧密不分离
分居多久可以离婚The leaves are already falling 树叶已开始飘落
Sven it feels like the future is calling 斯文 这好像未来在呼唤
Are you telling me tonight you're gonna get down on one knee 那你是否准备好今晚单膝跪地 向她求 婚
