网红饭International Badminton Federation was founded in 1934.Now there are more than 130member nations.The first major IBF tournament was the Thomas Cup (world men ’s team championships)in 1948.It was donated by the first chairman of IBF —George Thomas.He was a famous British badminton player.
Since then,the number of world events has increased with the ad-dition of the Uber Cup (ladies ’team),whose trophy was donated by Betty Uber.She was a famous female badminton player in Britain.And later World Championships,Sudirman Cup (mixed team),World Juniors and the World Grand Prix Finals were included.
端午节的好词好句好段摘抄星星说爱你China ’s Zhang Ning and her team mates defeated the Nether-lands in the finals of the Uber Cup badminton tournament in Tokyo on May 6,2006.And it was the five successive victories for Chinese fe-male badminton team.World No.1Lin Dan and his team mates de-feated Denmark in Tokyo on May 7,2006.And this is the sixth cham-pionship for Chinese male badminton team since they took part in the event in 1982.黄鹤楼 李白
比赛是1948年世界男子团体赛的汤姆斯杯T ho mas Cup,汤姆斯杯奖杯由国际羽联第一任主席、英国著名羽毛球运动员Geo rg e T ho mas 先生捐赠。
此后增加了一系列专项国际赛事,包括女子团体赛的尤伯杯Uber Cup,尤伯杯奖杯是由英国著名女子羽毛球选手Betty Uber 夫人捐赠,世界羽毛球锦标赛World Champio nships,男女混合团体赛的苏迪曼杯Sudirman Cup,世界杯赛Wo rld Cup,世界大奖总决赛World Grand Prix Finals 也随之出现。
I n t e r n a t i o n a l B a d m i n t o n F e d e r a t i o n Th e In tern ation a l
Ba d minto n Fe d era tio n