黑龙江哈尔滨市第47中学2022届中考模拟英 语试卷+答案+解析
一、单项选择(本题共20分, 每小题1分)
1. In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound from the others?
A. character
B. machine
C. chemistry
2. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?
A. deaf bread
B. trust push
C. remind invite
考查字母发音。deaf /dɛf/划线部分ea发音为/ɛ/,bread/brɛd/划线部分ea发音为
3. Which of the following words doesn’t have the same stress as the others?
A. Request.
B. Ahead.
C. Crayon.
4. —What’s your dream job in the future, Tim?
—I want to be a ________ to invent an AI robot.
A. businessman
B. scientist
C. pilot
考查名词辨析。businessman商人;scientist科学家;pilot飞行员。根据“invent an AI robot”可知,科学家发明人工智能机器人。故选B。
5. —________ do you go to the movies a month, Lucy?
—Maybe once or twice a month.
A. How many times
B. How long
C. How often
幻体【详解】句意:——露西,你一个月去看几次电影?——也许一个月一次或两次。考查副词短语。how many times多少次;how long多长;how often多久一次。根据“Maybe once or twice a month.”可知,题干答语应该用“多久一次”或“多少次”提问,又根据题干第一句“a month”可知,本题干只询问次数,用“how many times”提问。故选A。
6. —Let’s divide the rubbish into different kinds before throwing it away.
—OK. It’s good ________ us to use some of it again.
A. with
B. of
C. for
考查介词辨析。with和;of表所属;for为了。It is+adj.+for sb. to do sth.“对于某人来说做某事是怎么样的”结构符合本题语境,故选C。
7. —School safety must come first all the time.
—I can’t agree with you more. We students should learn how to protect at school.
A. themselves
B. yourselves
C. ourselves
8. —Have you heard that China’s Shenzhou XVI has launched?
—Really? ________ exciting the news is!
A. What
B. How
C. What an
考查感叹句。去掉主语“the news”和谓语“is”,剩余“exciting”为形容词,用感叹词How。结构为:How+形容词+主语+谓语。故选B。
9. —Who is your favorite teacher?
—Mrs. Lee. She always helps ________ the best in me.
A. work out
B. bring out
C. give out
考查动词短语辨析。work out想出;bring out使显现;give out释放。根据“t he best in me.”可知,这里是她帮助我发挥最好的一面。bring out the best in sb.意为“发挥某人的长处”。故选B。
10. Nowadays Chinese students ________ to attend labor classes to improve their life skills and prove they are growing up.
A. were asked
B. will be asked
C. are asked
考查被动语态。主语“Chinese students”和谓语动词“ask”为被动关系,根据“Nowadays”可知为一般现在时态,一般现在时态被动语态结构为am/is/are+动词过去分词,ask过去分词为asked。故选C。
11. — It’s a pity that we will leave our junior high school that we live in for four years.— How time flies! We ________ there since 2018.
A. have been
B. have come
C. went
考查现在完成时和延续性动词。根据“since 2018”可知应用现在完成时,其谓语结构是“have/has+动词的过去分词”,而谓语动词应用延续性动词,故选A。
12. —With the scientists’ great efforts, we ________ live such a happy life.
—They’re really our heroes.
A. can
B. mustn’t
C. need
考查情态动词辨析。can能;mustn’t禁止;need需要。根据“With the scientists’ great efforts, we...live such a happy life.”可知,幸福的生活离不开科学家的努力,所以此处表示“能够过上”,故选A。
13. —Plastic bags are really harmful to our environment.
—You’re right. These should be ________ from using at once.
A. keep
B. stop
C. prevented
考查动词辨析。keep保持;stop停止;prevented阻止。根据“Plastic bags are really harmful to our environment.”可知,塑料袋应立即禁止使用;再根据“These should be ... from using at once.”可知,此处是含情态动词的被动语态,应用过去分词形式。故选C。
14. —Who is the winner in the long jump?
史记刺客列传—Jason! He jumps ________ than any other boy in our school.
A. farther
B. higher
C. furthest
考查副词比较级。根据“than”可知应用副词比较级,而由“in the long jump”可知应是跳得更远。故选A。
15. —I still remember all the people ________ stand out and save people’s lives.—They set a good example and will be kept in our minds forever.
A. what
B. who
C. which
16. —Could you tell me ________?
—By working hard and being kind to the others.
A. how can I become a popular student
B. in what way I could become a popular student
C. how I can become a popular student
