烤箱如何烤面包A paradise on earth in Zhejiang province, that is Hangzhou.Today, July 18th, our family and grandmother cousin, went to Hangzhou to play. 
We came to a lake, oh, the West Lake!I saw the West Lake, and I could not help crying out.The West Lake is surrounded by continuous mountains, surrounded by a green grass, in the middle of the lake, several islands in the thin clouds, the trees on the island are green black, green hair thick.Everything around the West Lake is green, like a green ocean, a green world.Not to mention the West Lake water, it is so quiet, quiet as a smooth mirror; it is so clear, clear that you can see the sand at the bottom of the lake; it is so blue, blue like a blue crystal.The mirror-like lake reflects the blue sky and white clouds, reflecting the beautiful figure of the West Lake.Looking at this picturesque West Lake, as if to bring me into the dream wonderland.Su Shi, a great poet in the Song Dynasty, once wrote a poem, "To compare the West Lake with the West, light makeup always appropriate." I think the metaphor of the West Lake is particularly appropriate.
斧王出装>宏基笔记本键盘字母变数字Then, we left the West Lake and came to the  Xixi Wetland, the most famous park in Hangzhou.Walking into the gate, the Xixi wetland was "swallowed up" by all the towering trees. Walking on the small bridge in the forest, the stream under the bridge flowed slowly, and from time to time, a few fish poked out of the water.Mother went to the ticket office to buy five rowing tickets, we went on the small wooden boat, in the gently rippling boat, I eat snacks while watching the scenery.The stream is a bank of the jungle is lush, the reeds are tall and straight, tall and tall, the breeze blowing, they will gently collide, as if whispering something, sometimes a few kingfishers or sparrows will stop on the reeds to rest.The other bank of the stream, standing a few willows, long willow branches fluttering in the wind, graceful, there are a few special long, hanging on the water point painted with sparkling ripples, is so beautiful.Quiet lake water, suddenly appeared a small whirlpool, a small head came out, my brother and I have screamed: " Ah!It's a wild duck!"We rowed over to catch it, and the little guy tilted his head and watched the boat slowly approaching.At that moment, the duck sank to the bottom. After a few seconds, the duck poked out its head from a distance and looked at us, as if to say, " Come and ca
tch me!Come and catch me!"My brother and I were amused laughing.A few clumps of reeds, a few willows, a few wild ducks, and a small wooden boat floating in the stream, have been painted into a natural and quiet landscape painting.
Finally, we came to Hangzhou Song City.Walking in the Southern Song Dynasty style street, tourists mountain sea of people, dazzling goods, salesmen dressed in the clothes of the Southern Song Dynasty peddling, reflecting the prosperity and wealth of the Southern Song Dynasty.We came to the market street again, where the market juggling program is rich: acrobatic performances make people scared, classical magic makes people repeatedly say good, clever training white rat and call I most appreciate the big song and dance "Songcheng eternal love".It tells the story of Hangzhou in the Song Dynasty. History and culture, with the performance to show, from the primitive human culture to the modern Hangzhou culture, a deeply touching picture, showing the Hangzhou for thousands of years.The Song city also taught me a lot of ancient cultural knowledge.Song Cheng, is really " I give you a day, you return me a thousand years!”
The tourist resort, the kingdom of culture, Hangzhou is worthy of being a paradise on earth.As the saying goes.
