董事长CEO/president/board of director总管理部总经理 general manager
副总经理 vice general manager执行副总经理 executive vice general manager 协理 al manager厂长 factory manager
经理 manager
主任 dean
科长 chief
组长 supervisor
员工 employee
高级版师 senior pattern technician
初级版师 junior pattern technician
中/高级助理 junior/senior assistant
华风公司 Waffle Shoe MFG..Corp.
瑞星鞋厂 ray shine
生产处 production vision
二厂区 factory zone two
生管科 production planning section
底部 lasting department
冲机科 cutting room/impacted section
刀模块 cutting die section
中仓科 semi-production
皮料科 leather division
品管处 quality control department
品管科 quality check section
计算器中心 computer center
管理改善小组 management reforming team
业务开发科 R&D department
开发科 developing section
样品室 sample room
放版组 computer grading section
技转组 technical transferring section
资料组 document section
财务科 financial section
梦见老公出轨消防组 fire fighter section
人事科 personnel section
副经理 vice manager 副主任 vice dean副科长 vice chief班长 monitor版师 pattern technician中级版师 ordinary pattern technician中/高级专员 junior/senior specialist业务员 merchandiser瑞恩鞋厂 bright ease总经理办公室 general manager office 一厂区 factory zone one 机修科 machine maintenance section面部 stitching department半成品科 semi-production section纲版组 screen printing section 料务科/货仓 warehouse购料组 material purchasing division收发科 receiving and distribution department品保科 quality assurance section 总管理部行政组 administration team 教育训练中心 education and training center评估小组 auditing office 业务科 merchandising section 工技处 technical engeering department 技术科 technical section 面/底版组 vamp/lasting section 备料组 material preparation team总务处 general affairs department采购科purchase section行政科 administration section报关科 custom section
                                          总公司:Head Office
董事室: Director's Office 董事长室Chairman's Office
执行董事助理: The assistant of the executive director
总经理室:General Manager Office ( 总经理室:GM)
财务总监CFO=chief financial officer 开发部
Development Dept. 财务部Finance Dept.
财务部经理Finance Dept. Manager 人事行政部: The Personnel Administration Department 人事行政部Personnel & Admin Dept. 秘书室Secretary Room
策划部Planning Dept.
预算部Budget Dept.
桑塔纳2000配件价格市场部Marketing Dept.
工程设计部Construction & Design Dept.
样品室 Sample Room 会议室Meeting Room 保卫室Safe-Guarder Room
日文歌曲Guard Room 策划部主管Supervisor/Director of Planning Department 传达室reception room 食堂工作间 Canteen workshop
值班室Room on-duty 质量安全部: Quality Safety Department 部门经理办公室:Section manager's office
三皇五帝分别是谁质量和安全部:Quality & Safety Department 商务接待室:Business anteroom 会客室:Meeting Room
发行部:Publish Dept. 技术部:Technology Dept.
行政部:Administration 项目部:Project Dept.
设计部:Design Dept. 餐厅:Cafeteria
保安室:Guard Room 技术质量部:Technical quality department, 市场运行部:market movement department, 设计开发部:design development department 储藏室:Store Room VIP贵宾室:VIP room 副总经理:Office of the general assistant manager 助理室:the office of the assistant
                                         经理室:the office of the manager 会议室:the conference room 档案室:the file room 更衣室:Dressing Room 财务部:accounting department 策划部:strategy department
副总室:the office of vice president 营销部:the sales department 工程部:engineering department 总师室:the office the general engineer 经理室:office of the manager 物业管理:property management 促销部:sales promotion Dept. 总务部:General affairs Dept. 营业部: Business Offices 公共关系部:Public Relations Dept. 行政部:administration department
经理室:manager's office
销售部:marketing department 电脑室:computer center
业务部:business department
经理室:general manager's office 客服部:consumer service department
主任室director's office
档案室:Archive Room (档案)/Document Room(文件) 工程部:engineering department
策划部:scheme department 办公室秘书:office secretary
副经理室:Assistant manager room
欢乐颂3露西真实身份销售部:sales department 培训部:training department
采购部:purchases department 茶水间:tea room 会议室:conference rooms
接待区:receptions areas 弱电箱:weak battery cases
员工区: work areas 董事长: Board chairman 或者Chairman of the board 营销总公司:sales general company 综合办公室主任 Director of Administration Office 对外销售部经理 manager of Foreign sales department 或者Foreign sales manager 电子商务部经理 manager of electronic commerce department 或者electronic commerce manager  电子商务部副经理 deputy/vice manager of electronic commerce department 或者                              
