  SECTION IIIReading Comrehep
  Part A
  Read thefollowing three texts.Answer the questions on each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET。
  Text 1
  Back in the early 1990s,I knewlittle about computers beyond what it took to get through a workingday.But here’s what I did know:something huge washappening.It was stirring economies and imaginations and possibilities likenothing I had ever known.I knew the world was changing in ways that meant I shouldn’t counton old assumptions.And I knew I had dreams I still hadn’t fulfilled.But I didn’t knowhow to realize them until I met with my old friend,Rollys Rouse,when wehappened to move into the same neighborhood.
  Rolly often called me with a stream of ideas.His rate ofidea production per second seemed al- most incredible.Soon we wereon the phone with each other every day.Talking about theInternet.
  TalMng about starting a new onlinecompany-maybe together.
  He was then developing a plan and he wanted me to be a part of it:we wouldgive people wonderful,whole electronic houses on a CD-ROM and let them modify those homesto their own needs.Try out different windows and doors,different paintcolors and f
urnishings.When they were satisfied,we would enable themto go online to make the project happen,to get the products
  and the financing and the。professionaldesign and construction to help to do it outright.
  BuildingBlocks was the name Rolly came up with for his new enterprise.Rolly tookthe plunge first.He simply dropped his profitable energy—consultingbusiness to commit himself full time to BuildingBlocks.I soonjoined him after I quit my well—paid job at a newspaper.
  Together we developed a demo to show the features of our CD—ROM,“The NewAmerican Dream Home”.Then we took it to the annual convention of the National Associationof Home Builders in Boston.All the big companies were there showing off their。latestproducts.
  To our delight,nearly everyone was eager to see what we were showing,.includingthe top executives of some enormous companies.When we left,we hadinvitations from them to come to their offices to tell them more aboutBuildingBlocks.石家庄有什么好玩的地方
  That was the start of my real lifetime dream and BuildBlocks,our company,has been prosperingever since.
  46.By“somethinghuge was happening”,the writer refers to_________.
  [B]home decoration
企业成本控制  [D]high-tech development
  47.The textshows that Rolly Rouse is________.
  48.BuildingBtocksis a company that helps people to________.
  [A]rentideal houses
  [B]buy ideal houses
  [C]findideal houses
  [D]own ideal houses
  49.Rolly andthe writer decided to start a company together because they were both________.
  [A]expegin architecture
  [B]underRaid at their jobs
  [C]outof work at the time大寒祝福语
  [D]interested in e-business
  50.At theBoston convention,Rolly and the writer were happy because_________.
  [A]theyaroused people’s interest in their products
  [B]theysold some of their own products right there
  [C]theygot their first orders from some famous building firms
  [D]theyhad the opportunity to visit some famous building firms
  Text 2
  Anxiety disorders are common andrange from lo percent t0 20 percent of children and teens.Girl areusually more likely than boys to report anxiety symptoms or signs.Anxiety runsin families,due to a combination of inherent and environmental factors.Anxiousparents may produce anxiouschildren.When signs are so severe that they interfere with daily lifeactivities,it is time to seek an evaluation from a mental health prof
  Consider the following example of achild who suffered stress disorder.Maria,age l2,was at herphysician’s office awaiting her yearly checkup.A bullet from a gunbattle in the next building tore through the wall and struck her mother in theshoulder.severely wounding her.The mother was rushed to the hospital,but Maria did notknow her fate for several days.
  Unable or unwilling to speak,visiblyanxious and fearful,Maria was evaluated by a child doctor in the Sallle hospital severaldays later.He recommended a brief treatment and began by taking Maria to hermother’s bedside.
  Maria,reassured that hermother was alive,neveRheless could not be separated from her.During thefollowing weeks she insisted on sleeping with her mother and would not let herout of her
漫威全部224英雄  sight.Her motherwas equally shocked,and told her daughter she was suffering great pain.
