Part II Vocabulary
21.Scientists in the world are expected to find a(n) _____ to the problem of over population.
     A、reply     B、solution     C、response     D、answer
22.We have been told that the contract in question is _____ for one year starting from the
     A、useful     B、efficient     C、practical     D、effective
23.When it comes to job interview, first _____ are important.
     A、reflections     B、impressions     C、reactions     D、comments
24.Let’s ask Linda to take part in the contest since she has a _____ for music.
maybe another time     A、gift     B、hobby     C、present     D、desire
25.Where unemployment and crime rates are high, it can be assumed that the _____ is due to the former.
     A、later     B、last     C、latter     D、late
26.Research is an active and formally organized search for _____ information for a specific
     A、especial     B、particular     C、special     D、specific
27.National _____ are becoming increasingly meaningless in the global economy.
     A、margins     B、edges     C、divisions     D、boundaries
28.A special _____ should be laid on the necessity of team cooperation.
     A、attention     B、emphasis     C、notice     D、importance
29.Julia likes to rent a house, which is comfortable, well-equipped and, _____, in a quiet neighborhood.
     A、all in all     B、at all     C、above all     D、after all
30.The poor old man was _____ yesterday when he was crossing the street.
     A、run into     B、run out     C、run over     D、run through
31.With a total of 1,300 million people, China is one of the most densely _____ countries in the world.
     A、populated     B、polluted     C、crowded     D、concentrated
32.It wasn’t a good thing; _____, it was a huge mistake.
     A、on the whole     B、on the contrary     C、on the average     D、on the other hand
33.It’s a shame that he is still _____ his parents; he is already 25 years old.
     A、depending on     B、growing on     C、focusing on     D、feeding on
34.Will you _____ it that this letter gets mailed today?
     A、see off     B、see to     C、look after     D、look into
35.She _____ her research into the cause of cancer in spite of financial problems.
     A、carried away     B、put forward     C、consisted in     D、persisted in
36.Tim stopped and stayed for a moment to _____ himself that he was not being followed.
     A、insure     B、assure     C、confirm     D、confine
37.Many foreigners in China enjoy watching the news on CCTV _____ .峰电和谷电各是什么时间
     A、Program     B、Performance     C、Channel     D、Play
38.I tried to get through, but there were too many people _____ my way.
     A、blocking     B、delaying     C、holding     D、stopping
39.To _____ their new product, they are selling it at half price for a month.
     A、raise     B、improve     C、promote     D、increase
40.The local authorities decided to keep the old temple for its historical _____.
     A、value     B、benefit     C、wealth     D、property
Part III Structure
41. Just outside the ruins _____ a magnificent building surrounded by many tall trees.
     A、is     B、be     C、are     D、will be
42. Linda didn’t go to the movie last night because she _____ for the final examination until
     A、should have prepared     B、had to prepare     C、must have prepared     D、would have to prepare
43. Just after putting away the letter, _____.
     A、the telephone rang loud     B、someone called Brown   
 C、the telephone was ringing     D、Brown heard the telephone ring
44. Laurie is reported _____ the U.S. figure skating championship nine times.
     A、having won     B、has won     C、to have won     D、winning
45. The evidence suggests that single fathers _____ more likely to work than single mothers.
     A、should be     B、be     C、will be     D、are
46. The man was fined because he was caught _____ a tree.
     A、cut     B、to cut     C、cutting     D、be cutting
47. What is the way people have thought of _____ enough money to help the poor children who can’t go to school?
     A、to raise     B、raising     C、having raised     D、raised
48. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help _____ something they actually don’t need.
     A、to buy     B、buy     C、to buying     D、buying
49. The question of _____ the traffic accident happened hasn’t been answered yet, though the police have made on-the-spot investigation.
申请淘宝账号注册     A、that     B、whether     C、how     D、whenever酒吧名字
50. _____ can be seen from the comparison of the two charts, sales of automobiles jumped 3.2 percent in October.
     A、As     B、What     C、So     D、That
51. Under no circumstances _____ be left alone at home.
     A、a three-year-old child should     B、should a three-year-old child
     C、a three-year-old child should not     D、should a three-year-old child not
52. It was _____ the civil war came to an end.
     A、in 1949 when     B、not until 1949 when
     C、until 1949 that     D、not until 1949 that
53. _____go straight on to university why not get some work experience first?
     A、More than     B、Rather than
     C、Other than     D、Better than
54. Mr. Brown wished he _____ longer this morning, but he had to get up early to attend a meeting.
     A、could have slept     B、should sleep     C、might have slept     D、would sleep
55. The shy girl has won the gold medal in the speaking contest, _____ I find hard to believe.
     A、that     B、which     C、who     D、whom
56. More than three nature reserves have been established in this area _____ hunting is forbidden.
     A、that     B、since     C、where     D、if
57. Schools in the north tend to be better equipped, _____ those in the south are relatively poor.
     A、and     B、while     C、but     D、however
58. _____ by the armed police, the bank robbers had no choice but to surrender.
     A、To be surrounded     B、Surrounding     C、Having surrounded     D、Surrounded
59. Many things – going abroad, owning a car, _____ impossible in the past are now very common.日本vs哥斯达黎加比分预测
     A、being considered     B、to be considered     C、were considered     D、considered
60. By the end of this month we _____ ten lessons.
     A、will cover     B、covered     C、will have covered     D、have covered
Part IV Reading Comprehension
Passage One
Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage:
Animals react to the changing seasons with changes in mood and behavior and human beings are no exception. Most people find they eat and sleep slightly more in winter and dislike the dark mornings and short days. For some, however, symptoms (症状) are severe enough to damage their lives and to cause considerable stress. These people are suffering from SAD. The symptoms tend to start from around September each year lasting until April, but are at their worst in the darkest months.
The standard figure says that around 2% of people in Northern Europe suffer badly, with many more (10%) putting up with milder symptoms. Across the world the incidence (发生率) increases with distance from the equator (赤道), except where there is snow on the ground, when it becomes less common. More women than men are found having SAD. Children and young people can also suffer from it.
The problem stems from the lack of bright light in winter. Researchers have proved that bright light makes a difference to the brain chemistry, although the exact means by which sufferers are affected is not yet known.
As the cause is lack of bright light, the treatment is to be in bright light every day by using a lightbox or a similar bright treatment. (Going to a brightly-lit climate, whether skiing or somewhere hot, is indeed a cure). The preferred level of light is about as bright as a spring morning on a clear day and for most people sitting in front of a lightbox, allowing the light to reach the eyes, for between 15 and 45 minutes daily will be sufficient to alleviate the symptoms. The user does not have to stare at the light, but can watch TV or read a book, just allowing the light to reach the eyes. OUTSIDE IN have a complete range of suitable lights, all in line with the research findings from medical and academic facilities. They are all available on our pioneering HOME TRIAL SYSTEM.
61. What happens to SAD patients, according to the passage?
A、They eat more and sleep less.          B、They are cheerless and worried.
C、They react to the changing seasons.    D、They dislike long days with dark mornings.
62. In which month do SAD symptoms become worst?
推荐电视剧A、December.  B、September.  C、April.  D、February.
63. Which of the following statements is false according to the passage?
A、Going skiing is one of the good cures for SAD.
B、The percentage of SAD sufferers is high in North Europe.
C、Doctors now know how lack of bright light causes SAD.
D、People of all ages and both sexes may suffer from SAD.
64. What does the word “alleviate” (Paragraph 4) most probably mean?
A、“cause”  B、“produce”  C、“show”  D、“reduce”
65. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A、Why people suffer from SAD.        B、How SAD patients can be treated.
C、How long an SAD treatment lasts.      D、Where people can go for SAD treatment.

Passage Two
Questions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:
