CHINADAILY 中国日报晚报 8.20
>New law bans kid endorsement    新广告法叫停'萌娃'代言
>World's most livable city全球宜居榜北京进步大
>Chinese spend more in UK国人7月在英刷卡达5亿
>Divorce up among elderly 意大利现老年人离婚潮
>3D films make you smarter研究:看3D电影变聪明
>Now blast ashes to moon美殡葬馆送骨灰上月球
>'Vampire' become online star尖牙小猫似吸血鬼(图)
精华【Top News】
>New law bans kid endorsement新广告法叫停'萌娃'代言
Children who found fame in live shows and made a fortune byendorsing commercial products will have to halt their early career,as their ads will be banned after Sept 1 when the new advertisinglaw goes into effect. Under the new law, those under the age of 10cannot be used to promote products. However, according to datamonitored by Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce,nearly 60% of ads aired in China are inconsistent with the new lawconcerning celebrity endorsement, which will be the focus of futureregulation.
历年成人高考试题及答案>World's most livable city全球宜居榜北京进步大
In world's livability ranking of 2015, Melbourne in Australiatakes the top spot for a fifth year running, with Vienna in Austriaand Vancouver in Canada completing the top three m
ost livablecities. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, these citiesenjoy a good infrastructure, healthcare system and a low murderrate. Seven Chinese mainland cities improved their ranking over thelast 12 months. Beijing moved up five places to 69 in the globalranking.
>Chinese spend more in UK国人7月在英刷卡达5亿
清华校长Chinese visiting the UK spent £50m on their credit cards inJuly, up 45% from a year earlier, according to Visa Europe. Thesurge in spending comes after efforts by the UK government to makeit easier for the Chinese to apply for visa. The extra money spentby the Chinese went on eating out, trips to the supermarket andshopping. About 185,000 Chinese tourists came to Britain in 2014,and visitors from the country are now the 2nd-hi
ghest spendingtourists.澳门赌王何鸿燊女儿
>Divorce up among elderly 意大利现老年人离婚潮要约收购
Divorce is booming in Italy, with the greatest demand comingfrom disillusioned husbands and wives over the age of 65 -including people in their 90s - who want to start a new life.Figures from the Italian Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AMI) showrequests from the over 65 age group are at a record 20% - comparedto 13% for the same category in 2010. The increase follows a movein April by the Italian government to overhaul the country'sdivorce laws and reduce the time required for a divorce inuncontested cases from three years to six months.
>3D films make you smarter研究:看3D电影变聪明
Paying over the odds for a ticket to see a film in 3D is thebane of many a cinema-goer's life. But there may be a benefit todoing so, as a study has claimed that 3D films exercise the brainand improve short-term functioning in a similar way tobrain-training tests. The research found that people who watched amovie in 3D had improved cognitive skills compared to those whowatched it in 2D.
>Now blast ashes to moon美殡葬馆送骨灰上月球
An American funeral company is offering people the opportunityto have their ashes blasted to the moon - for just under $12,000.The dead person's remains will be placed in personalized capsulesdelivered to the moon's surface by Astrobotic's Griffin lander,riding on the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. The first mission, happeninglater this year, will be the mother of US Army Infantry soldierSteven Jenks.
>'Vampire' become online star尖牙小猫似吸血鬼(图)
With her two little teeth peeking out, Loki is a cat who lookslike a vampire. The protruding teeth that this little tabby ownshave recently made her a megastar online, with more than
21,000Instagram followers. Owner Kaet says of her dental distortion:"When I adopted her from the shelter, they didn't give me manydetails about her looks." Kaet's aware that the teeth have helpedto give Loki a legion of fans, so she's always keeping them updatedon Instagram and Facebook.
