Dr. Seuss's ABC 文本
Dr. Seuss ABC
BIG A (大写的A) little a (小写的a)
What begins with A ? (什么单词以字母A开头?)
Aunt Annie’s alligator ... (安妮阿姨的鳄鱼) ... A ... a ... A
BIG B (大写的B) little b (小写的b)
What begins with B ? (什么单词以字母B开头?)
Barber (理发师) baby (婴儿) bubbles (气泡) and a (还有一只) bumblebee (大黄蜂)
BIG C (大写的C) little c (小写的c)
What begins with C ? (什么单词以字母C开头?)
Camel on the ceiling (骆驼在天花板上) C .... c .... C
以家人之名更新BIG D (大写的D ) littel d (小写的d )
David Donald Doo (戴维.唐纳德.杜) dreamed (梦到)
a dozen doughnuts (一打甜甜圈) and (还有)
a duck-dog, too. (一只鸭子模样的狗)
A B C e 
ear (耳朵) egg (鸡蛋)
elephant (大象) e ... e ... E ...
BIG F (大写的F) little f (小写的f) F ... f ... F
Four fluffy feathers (四根蓬松的羽毛) on a
Fiffer-feffer-feff (在菲菲头上)
A B C D E F G 
goat (山羊) girl (女孩)
googoo goggles (护目镜) G ... g ... G
BIG H (大写的H) little h (小写的h)
Hungry horse (饥饿的马) Hay. (干草)
Hen in a hat. (帽子里的母鸡) Hooray !(好哇!) Hooray !(好哇!)
BIG I (大写的I) little i (小写的i) i ... i ... i
Icabod (伊卡波德) is
itchy (浑身痒痒)
BIG J (大写的J ) little j (小写的j )
What begins with j ? (什么单词以字母A开头?)
Jerry Jordan’s (杰里.乔丹的) jelly jar (果酱罐) and jam (和果酱)
begin that way.
BIG K (大写的K ) little k (小写的k)
Kitten. Kangaroo. (小猫 袋鼠) Kick a kettle. (踢飞水壶) Kite (风筝) and a (还有)king’s kerchoo. (国王的喷嚏)
BIG L (大写的L ) little l (小写的l )
Little Lola Lopp (小洛拉.洛普) Left leg. (左腿)
Lazy lion (懒惰的狮子)
licks a lollipop. (在添棒棒糖)
BIG M (大写的M ) little m (小写的m )
Many mumbling mice (许多喃喃自语的老鼠)
are making (正在演奏) midnight music (小夜曲)
in the moonlight ... (在月光下) mighty nice (非常令人陶醉)
BIG N (大写的N ) little n (小写的n )
What begins with those ? (什么单词以那些字母开头?)
Nine new neckties (九条新领带) and a nightshirt (一件睡衣) and a nose. (还有一个鼻子)
O is very useful. (字母O很有用)
You use it when you say: (当你说) “Oscar’s only ostrich oiled
and orange owl today.”
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O ... ... P
Painting pink pajamas (把睡衣刷成粉) Policeman in a pail (一个警察在桶里) Pete
r Pepper’s puppy. (彼得.佩珀的小狗) And now (现在)
Papa’s in the pail. (爸爸呆在桶里)
BIG Q (大写的Q ) little q (小写的q )
What begins with Q ? (什么单词以字母Q开头?)
The quick (急匆匆的)Queen of Quincy (昆西女王) and her (和她的)
quacking quacker-oo. (嘎嘎叫的鸭子)
BIG R (大写的R ) little r (小写的r )
Rosy Robin Ross. (罗西.罗宾.罗斯) Rosy’s going riding (罗西想要骑上她的) on herred rhinoceros. (红犀牛)
BIG S (大写的S ) little s (小写的s )
Silly Sammy Slick (呆头呆脑的萨米.斯利克) sipped six sodas (喝掉了六杯苏打水) a
nd got (结果得病了) sick sick sick.
T ...... T t ...... t
What begins with T ? (什么单词以字母T开头?)
Ten tired turtles (十只精疲力尽的乌龟)
on a tuttle-tuttle tree. (趴在一棵龟龟树上)
BIG U (大写的U ) little u (小写的u )
What begins with U ? (什么单词以字母U开头?)
Uncle Ubb’s umbrella (阿布叔叔的雨伞) and his
underware, too. (和他的内衣裤)
BIG V (大写的V ) little v (小写的v )
Vera Violet Vinn (薇拉.维莱特.薇妮) Is very very
very awful (非常糟糕)
on her violin (小提琴拉得非常非常非常糟糕)
W ... w ... W Willy Waterloo
washes Warren Wiggins who is
washing Waldo Woo.
X is very useful. (字母X是非常有用的) If your name is (如果你的名字是 Nixie Knox. (尼克斯.诺克斯) It also
comes in handy spelling ax and extra fox
BIG Y (大写的Y )  little y (小写的y )
A yawning yellow yak. (一只打哈欠的黄牦牛)
Young Yolanda Yorgenson (小月月) is yelling on his back (在它的背上吆喝)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P ... Q E S T U V ... W ... X ... Y ... and ... Z
BIG Z (大写的Z ) little z (小写的z )
What begins with Z ? (什么单词以字母Z开头?)
I do. (就是我) I am a (我是一只)
Zizzer=Zazzer-Zuzz (花枝招展的瞌睡虫) as you can (就像你看到的那样) plainly see.
