1电机的导电部件和其余部件之间采用绝缘材料加以间隔绝缘。绝缘材料的使用寿命和所处的温度具有很大关系。  电机作为一个电能转换为机械能的动力装置,在运转过程中存在能量损耗,所有的这些能量损耗都转换为电机的发热,使电机温度升高。  电机温度和其所处的环境温度之差为电机的温升,通常采用电阻法测量电机的温升。用手触摸电机外壳来衡量电机的温度是不科学的,不能作为衡量标准。  电机温度应符合下列表格的限制,否则电机容易烧毁。温升限制数据是基于环境温度为40℃的条件。  电机绕组温度计算使用以下公式: ① Tw =R2R1×(235+t1)-235  ② Δt=Tw-t2 Tw: 热态绕组温度 R2: 热态绕组电阻 R1: 冷态绕组电阻 t1:  冷态时环境温度 t2:  热态时环境温度 Δt :绕组温升 注:必须将电机放置在冷态环境4小时以上,同时测试冷态绕组电阻和环境温度。 There is insulation between the con-ductor and the other metal compo-nents inside the motor. The life of the insulation mainly lies on its operation temperature.  Motor, an energy-converting device, convert the electricity power into me-chanical power, with a loss, which mainly produces heat and raises the motor temperature.  The temperature difference between the windings and the environment, we call it temperature rise, which can be calculated by the resistance of the windings and the temperature. Feel the casing is not the correct thermometry.  The temperature must be lower than the ‘Max. Temperature Inside’listed in the following table; otherwise the mo-tor will fail. The ‘Max. Temperature Rise Limit’ is based on the ambient temperature 40℃.  Temperature of the windings by the following equation: ① Tw =R2R1×(235+t1)-235  ② Δt=Tw-t2 Tw: Temperature of hot windings R2: Resistance
of hot windings R1: Resistance of cold windings t1:  Ambient temperature in cold state t2:  Ambient temperature in hot state Δt: Temperature Rise Note: The motor must be in the cold ambient for more than 4 hours, before measuring the resistance and the ambient temperature. 绝缘等级 Ins. Class 绕组极限温度 Max. Temperature of the windings 温升限制 Max. Temperature Rise Limit  B 130℃ 80℃ F中药美白面膜配方
155℃ 105℃
