The aim of this writing, is would like to understand thouroughly, the end of Civil war that launched by Jiang Kai shek at Chong qing. Before liberation at Chong qing there was
搬迁补偿a fight between revolutionary and counter-revolutionaryforces. Kuo min-tang in approaching doom to put a last ditch, instructed the espionage agency and the traitor to destroy the underground Communist party. Then discuss the artistic image
of heroic figures , like Jiang Jie , Xu Yun feng, Hua Zi liang
etc .
The topic of this study, to analyse the set up of  “Sino - American Co - operation Organization” which has two secret concentration camps. The political offenders in camps
got ill treatment by the espionage agency officers. They united as one to fight with the officers. They obtained the terrible information,then sent to the leader of Chong qing Communist party. They plan to escape from prisonin advance. There were heroes like Jiang Jie, Xu Yun feng, Hua Zi liang etc. In order to safeguard the secret of party and for their companion could safely escape from camps, so they were
w i l l i n g t o m a k e a n y s a c r i f i c e o f t h e i r o w n l i f e.
The main content of this thesis : The writers of the novel “Red Rock”before liberation, when they wer
e in camp, They have heard and knew the true historical fact, for their source material writing. At that time in Chong qing there were    worskers, students and peasants’movementfor being against the    C i v i l W a r t h a t l a u n c h e d b y C h i a n g K a i s h e k.
After Dr. Sun Yat sen passed away, Chiang Kai shek moved
Towards to the way of counter-revolutionary. He became being    Antagonistic and wanted to destroy the Communist Party. In 1942 the Secret Service Agencies of Guo min tang got support      from American, at Chong qing set up the “Sino-American Co-operation Organization”. This institution educated a large    number of espionage agency officers which specialize in capture the members of Communist Party, put them in prison. Before liberation, Chiang Kai shek would like to execute the  decision of American deputy, then he gave instructio to the      leader of south-west region espionage agency to carry out the    following tasks. The Ministry of National Defence has prepared    2.000 ton T.N.T. All the political offenders must be shot dead; Blew up 600 spots of factories, bridges etc, and then bomb
flat Chong qing city. The men in camp heard this terrible information, immediately sent it to the Communist leader in Chong qing. They fight with their enemies. Kuo min tang wanted
to excavate the secret leadership of Communist Party, so the
men in camp were tormented. They were were willing to sacrifice themselves for saveguard their party. Precisely the  Heroic figures in novel “Red Rock” were Jiang Jie, Xu Yun
feng, Hua Zi liang etc.
Point of view: Even though Chiang Kai shek made use of savage means to suppress the Comminist Party and destroy the people army, it was sure he could not reach his aim. Because    Chiang Kai shek has moved towards to couter-revolusionary way,
He could not gain support from people. At rhe contrary, the Communist Party led people to carry out democratic revolution, Always do the best of people interest, so in the war they gained people’s support. The people army could strike a huge
