A.Mind your head.
B.Yes, I am.
C.Sure. V
D.No hurry.
解析:原文:Q: Could you take a message for me, please?此题考查向别人提出请求的一般疑问句及 回答。回答分为肯定和否认两种情况:肯定回答一般有Sure / Certainly / Yes, of course / No problem 等;否认回答一般先说Sorry,然后补充说明无法帮助的原因。
0 “当然可以”,表示非常乐意帮助对 方,因此确定为此题的答案。A) “小心碰头”,表示提醒别人前方有障碍物,要注意平安;B) “是的,我 是”,表示同意别人对自己的评价;D) “不用着急”,表示抚慰对方,不用过于焦虑。
(分数:0. 49)
A. Yes, please. J B.You' re welcome. C. See you then.
D. Let' s go now.
解析:原文:Q: Could you take a message for me, please?此题考查邀请别人做事情的一般疑问句及 其回答。回答分为肯定和否认两种情况:肯定回答可以使用Yes, I like it / Yes, of course / Certainly等;否认回答一般为No, thanks等。A) “好的,谢谢”,表示同意对方的邀请,因此确定为 此题的答案。B) “不客气”,一般用于回答别人对自己表示的感谢;0 “到时候见”,用于道别并约定以 后再见;D) “我们现在出发吧”,表示邀请别人一起去做某事。
(分数:0. 49)
有关战争的成语A.No, thanks.
B.Yeah, let me show you. V
C.My pleasure.
D.Here you are.
解析:原文:Q: Could you take a message for me, please?此题考查询问别人是否具有某种能力的一 般疑问句及回答。回答分为肯定和否认两种情况:肯定回答一般有Sure/Certainly/Yes等;否认回答 一般先说Sorry,然后补充说明无法回答的原因,如I don,t know。B) “是的,让我展示给你看",这 是肯定回答的一种,表示自己具备这种能力,并主动提出进行展示,因此确定为此题的答案。A) “不,谢 谢”,表示拒绝别人的要求或建议;0 “别客气,不用谢”,一般用于回答别人对自己表示的谢意; D) “给你”,表示要传递东西给对方。
(分数:0. 49)
A.This way, please.
B.Have a nice day.
C.Sorry for that.
D. Not right now, thanks. Vto drive. New drivers make regularly scheduled trips with passengers and are accompanied (陪 伴)by an experienced driver who gives helpful tips, answers questions, and grades the new driverJ s performance. Some drivers' training is also spent in the classroom. They learn their company, s rules and regulations, traffic laws, and safe driving practices. Drivers also learn about schedules and bus routes, fares, and how to communicate with passengers.
《问题》:When accompanying new drivers in their scheduled trips, the experienced driv
er can .
A.help them to collect bus fares
B.judge their performance V
C.select a suitable route for them
D. decide on their salary level解析:细节识别题。由题干中的accompanying、scheduled trips和experienced driver定位到文章第 二段第四句。定位句提到,有经验的驾驶员在陪同新驾驶员时会给予有益的提示、回答疑问并对新驾驶员 的表现评分。选项B)中的judge their performance是对原文中的grades the new driver' s performance的同义转述,由此可以确定B) “评判他们的表现”为此题的答案。
37.Bus drivers must have a commercial (商业的)driver' s license (CDL). This can sometimes be earned during on-the-job training. They must possess a clean driving recor
d and may be required to pass a background check. They also must meet physical, hearing and vision (视力) requirements. In addition, bus drivers often need a high school diploma or the equivalent. Bus Driver Training Bus drivers typically go through 1 to 3 months of training, but those who already possess a CDL may have a shorter training period. Part of the training is spent on a driving course, where drivers practice various skills with a bus. They then begin to drive in light traffic and finally make practice runs on the type of route that they expect to drive. New drivers make regularly scheduled trips with passengers and are accompanied (陪 伴)by an experienced driver who gives helpful tips, answers questions, and grades the new drivcr, s performance. Some drivers, training is also spent in the classroom. They learn their company, s rules and regulations, traffic laws, and safe driving practices. Drivers also learn about schedules and bus routes, fares, and how to communicate with passengers.
《问题》:One thing new drivers learn in the classroom is. (分数:1.24)
A.traffic laws J
B.bus drivers' benefits
C.the bus company希组词语r s history
D. the importance of being a bus driver解析:细节识别题。由题干中的new drivers和learn in the classroom定位到文章第三段前两句。定 位句提到,一些驾驶员的培训是在教室内进行的,他们需要学习公司的规章制度、交通法以及平安驾驶行 为。选项A)中的traffic laws与原文的表述一致。由此可以确定A) “交通法”为此题的答案。
38.Bus drivers must have a commercial (商业的)driver? s license (CDL). This can sometimes be earned during on-the-job training. They must possess a clean driving record and may be required to pass a background check. They also must meet physical, hearing and vision (视力) requirements. In addition, bus drivers often need a high school diploma or the equivalent. Bus Driver Training Bus drivers typically go through 1 to 3 months of training, but those who already possess a CDL may have a shorter training period. Part of the training is spent on a driving course, where drivers practice various skil
ls with a bus. They then begin to drive in light traffic and finally make practice runs on the type of route that they expect to drive. New drivers make regularly scheduled trips with passengers and are accompanied (陪 伴)by an experienced driver who gives helpful tips, answers questions, and grades the new driverJ s performance. Some drivers' training is also spent in the classroom. They learn
their company? s rules and regulations, traffic laws, and safe driving practices. Drivers also learn about schedules and bus routes, fares, and how to communicate with passengers.
《问题》:The passage is mainly about how to .
A.get a driver' s license
注册苹果idB.pass a background check
C    municate with passengers
D.become a bus driver V解析:主旨大意题。短文第一段主要讲了成为一名公交车驾驶员必须具备的条件。第二段主要讲述了驾驶 课程的培训内容和培训方式等细节信息。第三段讲述了在室内培训的相关内容。整体来看短文主要围绕如 何成为公交驾驶员展开。因此,D) “成为公交车驾驶员”为此题的答案。
六、大学英语(B级)-听力短文填空(总题数:5,分数:4. 80)What should you do when a guest make a complaint? First, take your time and listen with
listening to him and reply in a way 1ike bringing up the matter to us. 〃 This will supporting him. If you are the person to If you cannot handle it, then [B5]
