英 语 试 题 卷
What is the boy going to buy?
A. Some juice.    B. Some oranges.    C. Some apples.
1. What club does Jim want to join?
A. The science club.      B. The art club      C. The chess club.
2. How's the weather tomorrow?
A.Warm and windy      B.Cold and rainy.    C. Hot and sunny.
3.What's the matter with Mr.White?
A. He has a fever.        B. He has a cough  C. 命运石之门游戏攻略He has a headache.
4. Why was Mary late?
A. She had a car accident.        B. She didn't catch the bus.
C.There was too much traffic
5. What does the man mean?
A. He didn't enjoy the trip.      B. He's an honest school boy.
C. He's happy to stay at home
6. What would the woman like?
A .Juice.          B. Water.        C. Milk
7. How many glasses does she need?
A. 1.              B. 2.            C. 3.
8.When does Amy go to the old people's home?
A. On Saturday morning.            B. On Saturday afternoon.    C. On Sunday afternoon.
9.What does she often do there?
A. Tell stories      B. Wash the clothes.      C. Clean the rooms
10. Where is the boy going?
A. To a theater.      B. To a park.              C. To a museum.
11. How long is it open on Monday?
A. For 6 hours.      B. For 7 hours.            C. For 8 hours
12.What can we know about the boy?
A. His family are new here.
B. He prefers to go there by taxi.
C. He needs to pay $60 for the ticket.
13. What’s Michael going to do?如何在淘宝上开网店
A. Give a report.    B. Have a class.          C. Have a meeting
14.What color is the notebook?
A. Red.            B. Black.                C. Blue.
15.What can we learn from the conversation?
A. Linda finds the notebook at last
B. Linda lends Michael a notebook
C. Michael leaves his notebook at home
16. Li Lei is talking about an important day, _____________________ Day.
17. Many people like _____________________ and students take pat in it.
一居室18. Since _____________________, it has become famous around the world.
19. Last year, people in the town planted _____________________ new trees.
20. People also cleaned up the park and the _____________________.
21. Which ice cream do you want,Mary?You can't have all of them.You have to make a ______.
A. wish      B. survey        C. choice        D. call
22.—Sssh! Be quiet. I'm on the phone.
—Who ______ you ______ to, mom?
天玑9000相当于骁龙多少的性能A.do,speak    B.are,speaking  C. will, speak      D. have, spoken
23. I only got four hours of sleep last night, so I feel ______.
A. tired      B. lonely        C. hungry        D. proud
24. ______me, I'll show you the way.
A.Follow    B. Forget        C. Leave          D. Punish
25. —Who do you think will win the race, Bob or Tom?
  —It must be Bob. I think he runs ______.
A. Faster    B. fastest        C. more slowly    D. most slowly
26. Don't leave your toys on the table,or I ______ them away.
A. threw      B. will throw    C. have thrown    D. was throwing
27. Mr.Smith created a new game.Soon all his students ______ rules to play it.
A. teach      B. taught        C. are taught      D. were taught
28. ______many things change a lot, a love of sports hasn't changed a bit.
A. If          B. Before        C. Though        D. Because
Sit With Us
You're at your new school.It's lunch time,but you don't have anyone to sit with.You want to join someone at their table, 29 you're not sure if they're friendly.What do you do? Natali
e's  30 of solving the problem was to create an app. She knows what it feels like to be alone at a new school. She found it difficult to make new friends and had to 31 a new table at lunch every day. If she sat 32 , she felt lonely. But if she asked to join someone and was 33 ,she felt embarrassed. She created a lunch-planning app to help students like 34 find people to have lunch with.
