1、哈佛大学Harvard University
Let Platobe your friend, and Aristo tle, but more let your friend be truth.
2、杜尔大学Drew University
Freely have you receiv ed; freely give自由地接受;自由地给予
3、夏威夷大学 U niversi tyof Hawaii
Aboveall nation s is humani ty人性超越国界/人性超越种族
4、斯坦佛大学 S tanfo rd University
The wind of freedo m blows愿学术自由之风劲吹
5、约翰霍普金斯大学JohnsH opkin s University
The truthshallmake you free真理必叫你们得以自由
这句话可追溯于新约圣经的约翰福音第八章32节“你们必晓得真理、真理必叫你们得以自由”英文是: “And ye (you) shall know the truth, and the truthshall make you free.”(King Jamesversio n)。梦幻西游云游仙人
6、利哈伊大学 L ehigh University
Man, the servan t and interp reter of nature
7、北达科他大学U niversityof NorthDakota
Intell igenc e, the Basisof Civili zatio n才智是文明的基础咖啡猫语录
8、麻省理工学院MIT (Massachuset ts Instit ute of Technol ogy)
Mind and Hand既学会动脑,也学会动手
这真是工程院校的校训。反映了MIT的创建者的办学理想 - 教育的内容一定要有它的实践意义。
9、华盛顿大学 W ashin gtonU niversity
Streng th throug h Truth力量借助于真理
10、康涅狄克大学U niversityof Connecti cut
He who transp lants sustai ns
“He who transp l ants sustai ns”也是康州的州训,它反映了当初北美的殖民者的信念:上帝(He) ,把他们从英格兰迁移(transpl ant) 到北美大陆,会继续帮助他们,供给(sustai n) 他们。用一个长句子表达这句话,可以是:“God, who transp l ants us, sustai n us.”Or “God, who the coloni s ts believed had Transp l ante d them from Englan d to the New World,wherehe contin ued to sustai nthem.”
11、佩斯大学Pace University
Opport unity机遇
12、普林斯顿大学Prince ton University
In the Nation's Servic e and in the Servic e of All Nation s
13、艾莫利大学 E moryU niversi ty购房契税税率
The pruden t heartwill posses s knowle dge聪明人的心得知识
美国是以基督教立国的国家,很多学校的校训都跟基督教的信仰有关,或是摘自圣经中的某段内容。EmoryU niversi ty也不例外。
这句校训是摘自于旧约圣经的箴言第十八章15节。全句是“聪明人的心得知识.智慧人的耳求知识”英文是“The heart of the pruden t gettet h knowle dge; and the ear of the wise seeket h knowle dge. ”(King Jamesversio n) 。这句话是1890年被E m oryU niversity引为校训。
14、爱荷华州立大学Iowa StateU niversity
Scienc e with Practi ce科学与实践相结合
15、西北大学Northwestern University
Whatso everThings Are True凡事求真
这句校训是摘自于新约圣经的腓利比书第四章8节。全句是“Finall y, brethren, whatso everthings are tr
ue, whatso ever things are honest, whatso ever things are lovely, whatso ever thi ngs are of good report; if therebe any virtue, and if therebe any praise, thinkon thesethings”
16、费尔菲尔德大学Fairfi eld University
Throug h Faithto the Fullne ss of Truth凭借信心到达真理的丰盛
隐秘的角落大结局17、瓦尔帕莱索大学V alparai soU niversity
In Thy LightWe See Light在你的光中、我们必得见光明
这句校训是摘自于旧约圣经的诗篇第三十六篇9节“For with thee is the founta i n of life: in thy light shall we see light.”(King Jamesversio n) 中文意思是:“因为在你那里、有生命的源头.在你的光中、我们必得见光。”
18、美国天主教大学Cathol i c Universityof Americ a
God Is My Light上帝是我的光明
19、剑桥大学Cambri dge University
Here lightand sacred draugh ts.求知学习的理想之地.
20、牛津大学Oxford University
上帝乃知识之神。原文为拉丁文“Dominu s Illumi natio Mea”。英译为“The Lord Is My Illum i natio n”
Nanjin g Univer sity(founde d in 1902): Be Honest and Intell igent, StudyHard and Act Sincer ely
Peking Univer sity(founde d in 1898): Patrio tism, Advanc ement, Democr acy and Scienc e
Tsingh ua Univer sity(founde d as earlyas 1911): Self-discip lineand Social Commit ment
WuhanUniver sity(date back to 1893): Improv e Yourse lf, CarryForwar d Stamin a, Seek Truthand Develo p Innova tions
Tianji n Univer sity(founde d in 1895): Seek Truthfrom Facts
Zhejia ng Univer sity(founde d in 1897): Seek Truthand Be Creati ve
Shando ng Univer sity(founde d in 1901): Noblein Spirit; Boundl ess in Knowle dge
Beijin g Normal Univer sity(founde d in 1902): Learnto be an Excell ent Teache r; Act as an Exempl ary Person
Southe ast Univer sity(founde d in 1902): Strive for Perfec tion
FudanUniver sity(founde d as earlyas 1905): Rich in Knowle dge and Tenaci ous of Purpos e; Inquir ing with Earnes tness and Reflec tingwith Self-practi ce
JinanUniver sity(founde d in 1906): Loyalt y, Credib ility, Sincer ity, and Piety
Tongji Univer sity(founde d in 1907): Discip line, Practi calit y, Unityand Creati vity
Nankai Univer sity(founde d in 1919): Dedica tionto Public Intere sts, Acquis ition of All-roundCapabi lity, and Aspira tionfor Progre ss with Each Day
Harbin Instit ute of Techno logy(founde d in 1920): Strict Standa rd and Suffic ientEffort
Xiamen Univer sity(founde d in1921): Pursue Excell ence, Strive for Perfec tion
Sun Yat-sen Univer sity(founde d in 1924): StudyExtens ively, Enquir e Accura tely,Reflec t Carefu lly, Discri minat e Clearl y, Practi se Earnes tly
Renmin Univer sity
of China(date back to 1937): Seek Truthfrom Facts
Beijin g Instit ute of Techno logy(founde d in 1939): Solida rity,Dilige nce, Practi calit y and Creati vity
Beijin g Foreig n Studie s Univer sity(founde d in 1941): Be United, Alert, Earnes t and Lively
Nation al Univer sityof Defens e Techno logy(founde d in 1953): Dedica tionand Practi calit y
Univer sityof Scienc e and Techno logyof China(founde d in 1958): Social ist-minded and Profes siona lly Profic ient, Associ ating Truthwith Fact
Nation al Tai Wan Universi ty(date back to 1927):Cultiv ate Y our Virtue, Advance Y our Intell ect; Love Y our Country and People
Hong Kong Polyte chnic Univer sity(founde d in 1937): To Learnand to Applyfor the Benefi t of Mankin d冬季流行