摘要:工程签证是合同双方在工程实施过程中,按照合同约定或经协商一致回锅肉的家常做法计算机配置,隹对施工过程中发生的各种费用、工期等所达成的补充协议,是项目最终结算时增减工程造价的凭据,也是建设工程全过程造价管理的重要组成部分。据有关统计表明, 由于工程量签证问题所引起的工程结算价的上升幅度可达15%—25%,个别的甚至更高,如果不慎重对待签证管理,工程造价控制极易出现漏洞,造成资金的大量浪费。
abstract: engineering visa is the contract between the two sides in the project implementation process, in accordance with the contract or agreement through negotiation, the supplemental agreement reached on various expenses, occurs during construction period, is the credentials or project cost project final settlement, is also an important part of the whole process of construction project cost management. according to relevant statistics
show that, since the settlement price caused by engineering quantity visa problems in engineering has risen up to 15% - 25%, individual or even higher, if not careful visa management, project cost control is easy to leak, resulting in a great waste of money.
