                  Certificate of Identification
相遇是缘Name: Zheng XXX
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Han
Date of Birth: 28th Dec,1988
Residential Address: XXXXXStreet , Dandong Area, Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Provice
Citizen ID number: 33800XX
Citizen Identity Card of the People's Republic of China
Authority: Xiangshan Police Station, Zhejiang Province
Valid through): 22nd February 201022nd February 2020
              Certificate of 成语疯狂猜Identification
Name: Zhu Zonghui
Sex: Male
Ethnicity: Han
Date of Birth: 5th Mar,1982
Residential Address: No.162 Yutu Road, Xiashen Country,Xizhou Town,Xiangshan County, Zhejiang Provice
Citizen ID number: 3355812
Citizen Identity Card of the People's Republic of China
Authority: Xiangshan Police Station, Zhejiang Province
Valid through): 29th dnf炮>香港买洗发水May 200629th May 2016什么样的B是最普遍的
