  景德镇婚前房产证上加名字(Jingdezhen)位于江西省东北部,以瓷器而闻名,历来被誉为中国的千年瓷都。在景德镇出产的各类瓷器中,尤以青花瓷(blue and white porcelain)最为突出。清代是青花瓷的鼎盛时期,景德镇青花瓷以其烧造精致而独占鳌头。新中国成立后,在景德镇设立了人民瓷厂(People'sPorcelain Factory)专门生产青花瓷。景德镇青花瓷造型优美,彩绚丽,装饰精美,是景德镇四大传统名瓷之一,素有情人节送男朋友什么礼物好永不凋谢的青花之称。青花瓷远销世界各地,受到世界人民的喜爱。
参考译文:  网上购物的步骤
黑陶工艺品Located in the north-east of Jiangsu sphere, Jingdezhen, which is notorious for porcelain. It always has the title of Millennium Porcelain Capital in China. In English, the word "China" has become the synonym of "China", which fully shows that the magnificence of porcelain can assuredly represent China. However, in producing a great variety of porcelains in Jingdezhen, blue and white porcelain is the optimum especially. The blue and white in the peak was at Qing dynasty, which was at the top of the craft on account of the exquisite.
欲穷千里目更上一层楼描写哪个省After the foundation of People's Republic of China, the public's Porcelain Factory builds up for specializing in Green Flower Porcelain, which has laid a solid foundation for Chinese people's daily life. Because the blue and white porcelain has a splendid moulded, and bright colors shining, with beautifully decorated, people enjoy it. Which is one of the four distinguished traditional chinaware, consequently always has never fallout's blue and white porcelain. The blue and white porcelain has been selling all over the world, the pretty was so gorgeous that the folks around the world enjoy it.
