一、单项选择。(15 分)从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
1.(1分)I like reading books in the_______.It's quiet.(  )
A.shop    B.street    C.library    D.cinema
2.(1分)Cindy's dream is to become_______artist.She believes it can come true.(  )
A.a    B.an    C.the    D./
3.(1分)The girl is really clever.She_______speak two foreign languages.(  )
A.can    B.mustn't    C.can't    D.need
4.(1分)Zhao Chen ran_______of all the students at the sports meeting.(  )
A.fast    B.faster    C.fastest    D.less fast
5.(1分)It's cold outside.You should_______your sweater.(  )
端午祝福语四个字A.put up英语四级分数分配    B.put on    C.put off    D.put down
6.(1分)John and his brother are_______friendly and like to help others.(  )
A.none    B.all    C.neither    D.both
7.(1分)______heavy traffic,please get up and set out early.(  )
A.To avoid    B.Avoid    C.Avoiding    怎么设置电脑开机密码D.Avoided
8.(1分)Li Yan_______to the welcome party yesterday.(  )
A.invites    B.is invited   
C.was invited    D.will invite
9.(1分)There_______a sign on the wall.It says you mustn't smoke here.(  )
A.is    绩点怎么算B.are    C.was    D.were
10.(1分)— Tina,I like your T﹣shirt._______is it?
— It's 80 yuan.It is made in China.(  )
A.How far    B.How long    C.How often    D.How much
11.(1分)Don't throw rubbish everywhere,_______our environment will get worse.(  )
A.but    B.so    C.and    D.or
12.(1分)_______valuable gift it is!It reminds me of my childhood.(  )
A.What    B.What a    C.What an    D.How
13.(1分)— Mr.Li,could you please tell me_______?
— Sure.We usually eat mooncakes and get together.(  )
A.how you celebrate the Mid﹣Autumn Festival   
B.how do you celebrate the Mid﹣Autumn Festival   
C.when you celebrate the Mid﹣Autumn Festival   
D.when do you celebrate the Mid﹣Autumn Festival
14.(1分)I didn't understand my mom's love_______we had a long talk.(  )
A.until    B.if    C.since    D.because
15.(1分)— Do you like travelling by train or by plane?
— _______.Because I love to see farms and animals along the way.(  )
A.Yes,I do    B.No,I don't    C.By train    D.By plane
二、根据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(5 分)
16.(5分)Wang Fei:Hello,Liu Ming!Did you watch the CCTV news this morning?
Liu Ming:No,I didn't.(1)     
Wang Fei:Yes,there was.Shenzhou XIV was launched(发射)successfully.
Liu Ming:Oh,I missed watching it.What a pity!
Wang Fei:Three astronauts were sent into space,and one of them is a woman.
Liu Ming:Really?(2)     
Wang Fei:She is Liu Yang.This is the second time that she has been sent into space.
Liu Ming:(3)     
Wang Fei:In 2012.She made history.
Liu Ming:Sounds amazing!How did she become an astronaut?
Wang Fei:(4)     
Liu Ming:She is so excellent.You really know about her well.
Wang Fei:Of course,I do.She is a heroine(女英雄)in my heart.
Liu Ming:(5)     
Wang Fei:Right.We Chinese take pride in her.
A.Who is she?
B.I start to admire her,too.
C.Was there anything special?
D.Where did she achieve her dream?
E.When did she go into space for the first time?
F.By trying her best to pass hundreds of tests and putting in much effort.
三、完形填空。(15 分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
17.(15分)It was winter.Everything in Happy Valley was (1)      with snow.Kids living nearby were making a snowman in the park.Julia brought her dad's hat for the snow
man.Laura got two shiny little stones for the eyes.Peter found two(2)      to be the arms.Robert used a  carrot to be the nose.The Smith brothers made two snowballs to(3)      the head and body.With the teamwork of all the kids,a cute snowman appeared.
    Julia said the snowman should be given a name.The kids couldn't decide on a good one,for everyone wanted to make the decision. "I must be(4)       to give him a name.Without  my carrot,the snowman wouldn't have a nose," shouted Robert. "Without the sticks I picked,the snowman would have no arms.In that case,how (5)      he would look then," argued  Peter.Soon the arguments turned into a big(6)     .The kids walked away (7)       with what they had brought.The snowman was nothing but a terrible memory.
    Days passed,and laughter was (8)地摊产品批发       heard in the park of Happy Valley.The kids    were beginning to get (9)      and lonely.The parents began worrying.What could bring  the kids together again?Then they met and had a plan.The next day,all the kids got a(10)     ,telling them there was something special at the park.
    They (11)      to see what it was,but they didn't talk to each other on the way because of the(12)     .When they arrived,the kids found a note on the snowman which read, "Dear kids,my heart(13)       when Happy Valley isn't what it used to be.Although I'm sad and  have no name,I would rather see my happy kids."
    The note melted(融化)the ice in all kids' hearts.They felt(14)      because of what they had done and began to finish the snowman together.Finally,a much cuter snowman(15)     there.They all agreed to call him "Mr.Warmheart" though he was made of snow.Happy Valley got cheerful laughter back.
