1.—What did you have for breakfast this morning?
—I had ________ egg and some bread.
A.a    B.an    C.the    D./
2.You can have a ________ of the vegetable soup. It’s delicious.
A.truth    B.trouble    C.taste    D.traffic
3.Li Lei is 11 years old and he becomes even ________ than his elder brother.
A.tall    B.taller    C.tallest    D.the tallest
4.________ the little boy is very young, he has visited a lot of countries in the world.
A.Although    B.Until    C.If    D.Since
5.—Is this basketball Wang Dong’s?
—It ________ be his. He never plays basketball.
A.can    B.can’t    C.must    D.mustn’t实现中国梦
6.There isn’t ________ in the box. It’s empty.
A.everything    B.something    C.anything    D.nothing
7.— You look healthy. ________ do you exercise?
— About four times a week.
A.How many    B.How much    C.How often    D.How long
8.Wang Hui gets up early every morning ________ running.
A.practice    B.to practice    C.practices    D.practicing
9.There ________ many visitors at the party. They are having great fun.关于长城的英语作文
A.is    B.are    C.was    D.were
10.—Is the girl in red your sister or your cousin?
—________ She is my uncle’s daughter.
A.Yes, she is.    B.No, she isn’t.    C.My sister.    D.My cousin.
11.Please ________ back to your seat, Yu Jun. You did a good job.
A.go    B.to go    C.going    D.gone
12.Look at the little cat over there! ________ lovely it is!
A.What a    B.What    C.How a    D.How
13.The children will never forget the people ________ helped them.
A.who    B.which    C.whose    D.whom
14.—Would you like to come and play with us, Haixia?
—I’d love to, but I ________ tea with my parents now.
A.am drinking    B.was drinking    C.drank    D.has drunk
15.—Could you please tell me ________?
—By plane.
A.when will the kids come back home    B.how will the kids come back home
C.when the kids will come back home    D.how the kids will come back home
(Wang Fei and Liu Ming are talking about what they did during the May Day holiday.)
Wang Fei: Hello, Liu Ming! What did you do during the May Day holiday?
Liu Ming: I finished my homework and visited the Northeast Tiger Zoo.
Wang Fei: Really?     16   
Liu Ming: It’s in Jingyue Park in the southeast of Changchun.
怎么发消息给多人Wang Fei:     17   
Liu Ming: The famous pandas Chuxin and Muyun in Panda House!
Wang Fei: It’s said that pandas spend over 13 hours eating.     18   
Liu Ming: Yes. One was eating carrots and the other was eating bamboo.
Wang Fei: I’d like to see them this weekend.     19   
Liu Ming: You’d better go there in the morning. They may sleep in the afternoon.
Wang Fei: I see. I can’t wait to see our national treasures.
Liu Ming: I know how you feel. I believe you’ll have a good time there.
Wang Fei: We’re lucky to take a close look at pandas.     20   
Liu Ming: That’s why we must protect them.
Wang Fei: You’re right. And we’re doing better and better.
A.Where is it?
B.When should I go there?
C.What animals do you like best there?
D.Were they eating when you saw them?
E.What were they doing when you got there?
F.There are fewer than 2000 pandas living in the forests now.
A boy was sick and tired of going to school every day while his mother stayed at home. He wanted     21    to see what he did. He prayed(祷告) one day, “I go to school every day
and study hard for eight hours while my mother does nothing at home. She needs to know what I do every day, so please switch(交换) our     22    .”
The boy was surprised to wake up as a woman one day. He got out of bed,     23    设计学类包括什么专业 for his family, woke up the kids, set out their school clothes, fed them breakfast, packed their lunches and drove them to school. After he came back home, he took the clothes that     24    dry cleaning to the cleaners and stopped at the bank to take out some     25    . Then he went shopping     26    because he had to return home as soon as possible.
    27    , he couldn’t rest after getting home. He cleaned the cat’s litter box and bathed the dog. By then it was already 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon. He     28    to finish other chores. When he finished everything, he ran to school to 生物工程就业    29    the kids. He brought them home, helped them with their homework, and then     30    into the kitchen. There was a lot of work waiting for her there.
At 4:, he began peeling potatoes and washing greens for salad, heated pork and boiled some fresh beans for dinner.     31    dinner, he cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes,
folded the clothes, bathed the kids, and put them to     32    . By 9: he was already very     33    and couldn’t wait to go to bed himself.
“I was so     34    to envy(嫉妒) my mother. Oh please, let us trade back. I will     35    my mother much more after a day in her shoes. ” The boy woke up and prayed later.
