Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15分)
1._______ great fun it is to play computer games on _______ QQ!
A. How; / B. What; the C. How; the D. What; /
致青春的经典语句2. I don’t mind _______ scared, so I’ve made up my mind ______ the horror film.
A. feeling, to watch B. feeling, watching C. to feel, to watch D. to feel, watching
3. There are always ____interesting stories in the series that ___ many people watch them.
A. so, so B. such, such C. such, so D. so, such
4. _______ Millie was watching TV, Eddie was sleeping.
A. While B. When C. As D. Since
5.——Dad, must I finish my homework today?
------No, you . You may do it tomorrow.
A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. don’t D. won’t
6. Not only my friend but also I ______ interested in action films. We often see films together.
A. be B. am C. is D. are
7. you practice your English every day, you won’t make any progress on it.
A. Although B. If C. Unless D. Since
8. The murder happened _______ between nine and eleven last night.
A. sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times
9. —Have you ever seen the movie called Los Angles 2011?
—Yes, but I think it’s ______. I fell asleep when I saw it.
A. exciting B. boring C. bored D. excited
北京两会2022年召开时间和结束时间10. The number of chairs in the room __ ten. I’m afraid a number of chairs in the room ___ lost.
A. is; is B. is; are C. are; is D. are; are
荷兰和阿根廷比分预测11. He was last seen _________in his office at about 7:
A. work B. working C. to work D. worked
12. —What did your father ask you? —He asked me ___________.
A. whom I was chatting with B. where am I with my friends
C. when would I go home D. if I have finished my homework
13.The sports meeting was because of the rain.
A.put out B. put away C. put off D.put up
14.James with the Greens the White Tower Park if it tomorrow.
A.are going to; isn’t rainy B. are going to; doesn’t rain
C. is going to ; won’t rain D. is going to; isn’t rainy
15.-Could you look after my daughter for me while I’m away? -___________.
A. Yes, here you are B. You’re welcome C. Yes, please D. With pleasure
法学就业(Mike comes to see Dr. White. W: Dr. White; M: Mike)
W: 16_______________
M: Well, doctor. It's my eyes. I can't see clearly.
W: 17__________________
M: Since last week, I think.
W: Let me have a look. Oh, Mike, I guess you are working too hard these days and taking less care of your eyes.
M: 18_______ What should I do then?
W: Well, when you feel tired, just stop working and come out to enjoy a short rest. Remember, never go to bed too late and don't read in bed.
M: 19___________ W: Sure, Mike.
M: 20____________ Thank you very much.
A. Do you think th at will help? B. That's true.
C. You are wrong. D. What's the trouble, Mike?
E. How long have you had the problem? F. Good idea!
G. All right, doc tor. I'll try it.
III. 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分)从短文中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me ___21 __ a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have __22___ many ideas. __23___ important idea is that I want to be a better man.
Many things make human beings(人类) different __24___ or better than or even superior (优越于)to animals. One of the most important things is __25___ . If I fail to receive higher education, my education __26___. As I want to be a fully __27___ man, I must get a well-
rounded(全方位的) education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to ___28___. I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are ___29__ the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated(良好教育的), will I be a better man and __30___ serve (为服务) the people .
21. A. quite B. so C. such D. another
22. A. come up with B. agreed with C. been fed up with D. got on well with
23. A. Most B. The most C. More D. Much
24. A. to B. around C. between D. from
25. A. education B. weather C. temperature D. science
26. A. finished B. don’t finish C. will not finish D. has finished
27. A. develop B. developed C. developing D. experience
28. A. improve B. graduate C. hear D. provide
29. A. between B. among C. inside D. outside
30. A. can good B. may better C. be able to D. be able to best
IV. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分) 阅读下列短文,选出一个最佳答案。
Neighborhood yentas are well—known women. They spend most of their time watching people around them. The yentas have this title for this. “Yenta” is a Yiddish word. It means a trouble maker or a talkative person. Nobody in the street is safe from their eyes or tongue.
