英专生 经典归化法运用翻译例子
Love me, love my dog    爱屋及乌。
a lion in the way    拦路虎
lick one's boots      拍马屁
Diamond cuts diamond.    棋逢对手
A flash in a pan.    昙花一现
Have one foot in the grave.    风烛残年
to grow like mushrooms    雨后春笋
at a stone 's throw    一步之遥
Wet like a drown rat    湿如落汤鸡
As stupid as a goose      蠢得像猪
As stubborn as a mule    犟得像牛
As dumb as an oyster    守口如瓶
seek a hare in hen 's nest    缘木求鱼
the apple of one’s eye    掌上明珠
at sixes and at sevens    乱七八糟
to live under one’s roof    寄人篱下
to look on with fold arms    袖手旁观
购物街●as timid as a hare    危害社会公共安全罪胆小如鼠
to look for a needle in a haystack    大海捞针
put the cart before the horse    本末倒置
to企业成本控制 laugh off one’s heard    笑掉大牙
small profits but quick returns    薄利多销
be armed to the teeth    全副武装
the leopard can‘t change his spots    江山易改,本性难移
all corners of the country    五湖四海
to take advantage of every weakness    无孔不入归化和入籍的区别   
in a bold and resolute way    大刀阔斧
He is a man of family.    他出生名门。
That’ s all Greek to me.    那我可一窍不通。
Do you see any green in my eye?    你以为我好欺负吗?
He is as good as dead.    他就像死了一样。
He bent only upon profit.    八年级下册数学教学计划他唯利是图。
Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.    有志者事竟成。
be the worst kept secrecy    人尽皆知
赛级Nothing could bring back my innocence.    跳进黄河也洗不清
Drive one’s pigs to market    鼾声如雷
