使用Windows XP/2000自带的工具
教师节祝福语10字  从Windows 2000开始,Windows系统就自带了一个用户调试工具ntsd,它能够杀掉大部分进程,因为被调试器附着的进程会随调试器一起退出,所以只要你在命令行下使用ntsd调出某进程,然后退出ntsd即可终止该进程,而且使用ntsd会自动获得debug权限,因此ntsd能杀掉大部分的进程。
  单击“开始→运行”,输入CMD,打开命令提示符,输入命令:ntsd -c q -p PID(把最后那个PID,改成你要终止的进程的PID)。在进程列表中你可以查到某个进程的PID,例如我们要关闭图中的进程,输入:ntsd -c q –p 588即可。
  以上参数–p表示后面跟随的是进程PID, -c  q表示执行退出ntsd的调试命令,从命令行把以上参数传递过去就行了。
usage: NTSD [-v] [-2] [-d] [-o] [-g] [-G] [-w] [-lines]
黑衬衣[-aDllName] [-s] [-r BreakErrorLevel]  [-t PrintErrorLevel]
[-hd] [-x | -xd [except#] | -xe [except#]] [-e] [-z]
[-- | -p pid | command-line]
where: -? displays this help text
-aDllName sets the default extension DLL
-c executes the following debugger command
-d sends all debugger output to kernel debugger via DbgPrint
-g ignores initial breakpoint in debuggee
-G ignores final breakpoint at process termination
-hd disables heap manager validity checking
-i ignores AV generated by loader fixups on pre3.51 systems
-lines requests that line number information be used if present
-netsyms:{yes|no} allow or disallow loading symbols from a network path
-o debugs all processes launched by debuggee
r specifies the (0-3) error level to break on (SeeSetErrorLevel)
-s disables lazy symbol loading
-t specifies the (0-3) error level to display (SeeSetErrorLevel)
-v enables verbose output from debugger
-n enables verbose output from symbol handler
-w specifies to debug 16 bit applications in a separate VDM
-x disables break on AV exceptions
-xd disables stopping on specified exception
-xe enables stopping on specified exception
-z reserved for OS/2 debugging
-2 creates a separate console window for debuggee
- is the same as -G -g -o -p -1
中国移动沈阳分公司-p pid specifies the decimal process Id to attach to
command-line is the command to run under the debugger
Environment Variables:
Specify symbol image path. (Default = %SystemRoot%)
Specify an alternate symbol image path.
If specified, it is a semi-colon separated list of debugger extension DL
L names
This specifies the search order when resolving debugger extension comman
NTSD: exiting - press enter --->
