This article discusses Taobao development background, significance and development of the status quo, this system analysis, design and implementation process. Including the overall system design, l ogical framework and data flow design, each functional module division, part of the design and concrete realization of the system functional modules. The system uses Tomcat7 to backing server, Mysql5.5 the do the back-end database, the middle of the business logic processing using the Struts2 + Hibernate framework technology, Strust2 used to deal with the jump of the page, and Hibernate to handle database operations. The whole system to achieve the function of the product display, shopping cart management, order management, and user management. Functions which the trade show there is a product preview, product details, classification and retrieval functions. Add items, delete, list, restore the list of shopping cart management functions, the number of changes, empty the shopping cart, Commodities Clearing. Order Management is mainly used to have the order confirmation to display the list of orders, delete orders. The user can also query the Order Details. The user management function of the login / logout, and user registration. Spirit to improve the user experience goals, using jquery effects as the user prompt window to optimize the shopping cart to improve the shopping experience.
Key words: Goods; cart; users; orders; settlement火炬之光2互联网
摘要.................................................................................................. I Abstract ................................................................................................. II 第1章绪论. (1)
1.1 选题背景 (1)耶稣电影
1.2 选题的目的及意义 (1)
1.3 研究内容 (2)
1.4 国内外发展概况 (2)
1.5 本系统设计的思想 (3)
第2章系统分析 (4)
2.1 可行性研究 (4)
2.1.1 经济可行性研究 (4)
2.1.2 社会可行性研究 (4)
2.1.3 技术可行性研究 (5)
2.1.4 操作可行性研究 (7)
2.2 开发方案比较 (8)
2.2.1 软件体系结构的确立和比较 (8)
2.2.2 设计方案的确立和分析 (9)
2.2.3 所采用方案的特点 (9)
2.3 需求分析 (9)
2.3 1 需求获取 (9)
2.3.2 功能需求 (10)
2.3.3 性能需求 (12)
2.4 数据库分析 (13)
2.4.1 数据库需求分析 (13)
2.4.2 数据库概念结构设计 (13)
第3章系统设计与实现 (15)
3.1 系统类图 (16)
3.1.1购物车类图 (16)
3.1.2用户管理类图 (17)
3.2 时序图 (18)
3.2.1 用户管理时序图 (18)
3.2.2 商品展示时序图 (19)
3.2.3 购物车管理时序图 (20)
3.2.4 订单管理时序图 (23)
3.3 数据库设计 (24)男宝宝取名字大全
3.4 人机界面设计 (27)
3.4.1 用户管理模块设计 (27)
3.4.2 商品展示模块设计 (30)
3.4.3 购物车管理模块设计 (33)
3.4.4 订单管理模块设计 (35)淘宝注册流程
第4章系统测试 (38)
4.1 白盒测试 (38)
4.2 黑盒测试 (39)
4.3 集成测试 (40)
4.4 测试结论 (41)
结论 (42)
致谢 (43)
参考文献 (44)
附录 (45)