广西北流-广东化州MS 5.2级地震地震动峰值加速度特征
华    南    地    震SOUTH  CHINA  JOURNAL  OF SEISMOLOGY 第40卷第2期
2020年6月Vol . 40,NO.2Jun.,2020(1.广西壮族自治区地震局,南宁  530022;2.广西壮族自治区国情地理监测院,南宁  530022;
3.广西工程防震研究院,南宁  530022)
摘要:利用2019年10月12日广西北流—广东化州M S 5.2级地震中周边50个台站获取的强震动数据,经
过基线校正、数字滤波后获得EW 、
NS 、UD 三方向的峰值加速度值,对数据的分析后表明:0~30 km 范围内,3个方向的峰值加速度衰减明显。而震中距大于30  km 的峰值加速度中,大部分的峰值加速度大于东部强震区
减关系理论值。研究区3个方向的峰值加速度在震中西侧有多中心出现,且其连线成呈现近EW 向。研究区
值大于0.65(35组/100组)。33组数据中只有3组数据的峰值加速度大于0.05g ,具有工程设防意义。关键词:地震;峰值加速度;强震动
中图分类号:P315.7    文献标志码:A        文章编号:1001-8662(2020)02-0043-07 DOI :10.13512/j.hndz.2020.02.07广西北流—广东化州M S  5.2级地震地震动峰值加速度特征黄树生1 ,左天惠2,韦王秋1,3,潘岳怡1,符 衡1
黄树生,左天惠,韦王秋,等. 广西北流—广东化州M S  5.2级地震地震动峰值加速度特征[J]. 华南地震,2020,40(2):43-49. [HUANG Shusheng ,ZUO Tianhui ,WEI Wangqiu ,et al. Characteristic of Peak Acceleration Ground Motion of the Beiliu-Huazhou M S 5.2 Earthquake in the Junction of Guangxi and Guangdong [J]. South China journal of seismology ,2020,40(2):43 - 49 ]Characteristic of Peak Acceleration Ground Motion of the Beiliu-Huazhou M S  5.2 Earthquake in the Junction of Guangxi and Guangdong
HUANG Shusheng 1, ZUO Tianhui 2, WEI Wangqiu 1,3, PAN Yueyi 1, FU Heng 1
(1.Guangxi Autonomous Region Earthquake Agency , Nanning 530022, China ;
2.Guangxi Institute of Natural Resources Survey and Monitoring , Nanning 530022,China ;
3.Guangxi Academy of Engineering Shock Prevention , Nanning 530022,China )
Abstract: Using the strong vibration data obtained from 50 stations around the Beiliu-Huazhou M S 5.2 earthquake on October 12th ,2019,the peak acceleration values in the three directions of EW ,NS and UD are obtained after baseline correction and digital filtering. The analysis of the data shows that the peak acceleration attenuation in the three directions is obvious within the range of 0-30 km. However ,for the peak acceleration with the epicenter distance greater than 30 km ,most of the peak acceleration is greater than the theoretical value of the peak acceleration attenuation relationship in the eastern strong earthquake region ,while only a small part of the vertical peak acceleration and some horizontal peak accelerations are smaller than the theoretical value of the attenuation 收稿日期:2019-02-10作者简介:黄树生(1969- ),男,高级工程师,主要从事地震监测工作。E-mail :*****************
