一、单选题 (每题1,满分15分)
1.Which of the following cities is the capital of a country?
A.Sydney.    B.New York.    C.Toronto.    D.Paris.
2.Wearing ________ over your mouth can help prevent the disease.
A.gloves    B.masks    C.glasses    D.earphones
3.Although the old woman is over 100 years old, she can still take care of _________.
A.ourselves    B.myself    C.yourselves    D.herself
4.Nina made three kites, but ________ of them can fly high in the sky.
A.either    B.neither    C.none    D.all
5.If you are late for the meeting, please walk in ________.
A.loudly    B.clearly    C.cheaply    D.quietly
6.Tom will finish the task perfectly if he ________ another chance next time.
A.gives    B.gave    C.is given    D.was given
7.The Spring Festival is one of the ______ festivals in China and everyone loves to celebrate it.
A.modern    B.traditional    C.international    D.ancient
8.—Mom, it is really hot today. May I have some ice-cream?
—Of course you ________.
A.should    B.must    C.need    D.can
9.While I ________ an email, the computer suddenly went off.
A.write    B.will write    C.am writing    D.was writing
10.Don’t hurry him. You will just have to be       and wait until he finishes the work.
A.active    B.careful    C.patient    D.famous
11.—Shall we go to the East Station to __________ your son?
— I don't think it's necessary. He will come here by subway.
A.look after    B.pick up    C.see off      D. put up
12.I have a poor ________ of direction, so I am afraid to go out alone.
A.scene    B.silence    C.service    D.sense
13.The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous landmark in San Francisco, the USA.Which of the following words is created in the same way as the word landmark?
A.unpleasant    B.useless    C.summertime    D.surprising
14.—Believe it or not, Taylor. I am more creative in coffee shops.
—________. Some of the most successful people in history have done their best in a café.
A.That’s not the case    B.You are not alone    C.It’s hard to say    D.It’s up to you
15.—Why are you in a hurry? 
—I am late. Can you tell me how long _______?
A.has the film been on      B.the film has started   
C.the film has lasted      D.has the film ended
Back about 20 months ago I started college and just struggled(斗争) with everything, classes, friends and so on. I quickly became depressed(沮丧的),   16  at myself for not being able to do better in school.
This went on for months, until my 19th birthday. My parents sent me a   17  . It was a big delicious cake,   18  no one would share it with me. I ended up(最后)   19  out the cake after having one piece, with about 90% of it wasted. That night I was so depressed that I decided to go outside and   20  . Putting my earphones in, I went outside and ran about 2 miles.
When I got back inside, I was   21  and I was proud of what I was able to do. The next   22  I did the same. The running continued for about 2 months until I   23  worked up the courage to go to the   24  , where I started swimming again, as I used to in high school. A month went by and I started lifting weights and   25  running.
Looking back, I can see that   26  helped me out of my depression. But   27  didn’t only do that. At the gym, I met new   28  . Back at my school, I grew   29  to communicate with my schoolmates.
So for now, I exercise every day and   30  that time I get daily to do what I love. I hope my story helps someone who may be or has been in a similar situation.
16.A.happy    B.surprised    C.angry    D.worried
17.A.flower    B.cake    C.candy    D.pizza
18.A.and    B.so    C.but    D.if
19.A.giving    B.sending    C.taking    D.throwing
20.A.walk    B.run    C.swim    D.play
21.A.comfortable    B.awful    C.lonely    D.tired
22.A.month    B.week    C.night    D.moment
23.A.luckily    B.quickly    C.finally    D.quietly
24.A.gym    B.playground    C.park    D.classroom
25.A.just    B.never    C.even    D.still
26.A.exercise    B.smile    C.time    D.friendship
27.A.I    B.it    C.he    D.they
28.A.friends    B.teachers    C.coaches    D.schoolmates
29.A.careful    B.pleased    C.healthy    D.confident
30.A.think of    B.forget about    C.look forward to    D.get lost in
三、阅读单选 (每题2满分30分)
On October 16, the ministry of education(教育部) said that all high school entrance exams (中考)should include fine arts testing by 2022. And 12 cities in six provinces have started the practice. The scores change from 10 to 40 points.
This news has caused heated discussion. What will it mean for students? We invited two teenagers to share their ideas.
