China Good Voice
角:7 道具:椅子3把
主持人 :Ladies and gentlemen, good morning
Welcome to China good voice field 欢迎来到中国好声音的现场
I am your old friend
Ok, let's give them our warm applause welcome of the judges
To continue our applause
好的,下面让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎各位评委 掌声不断
Next, let's welcome the first player
选手 : 【上台唱歌,歌曲 】
【评委1 感觉选手唱的好 转身,评委2 ,3 等选手唱完转身】
评委1 :May I ask you a question ? What 's your hometown famous for ?
选手 :My hometown is famous for
评委1 :Well, you did a good job 好的,你干的不错
主持人:let's welcome the second player
选手 : 【上台唱歌,歌曲 】
【评委2 感觉选手唱的好 转身,评委1 ,3 等选手唱完转身】
选手 :唱完鞠躬并感谢
评委2 :What's your dream ? 你的梦想是什么?
中国好声音第一期歌曲名单选手 :My dream is to be a singer. I believe my dream will come true .
评委2 :Where there is a will, there is a way I believe your dream will come true .
选手 :Thank you
主持人:let's welcome the third player
选手 :【上台唱歌,歌曲 】
选手 :唱完鞠躬并感谢
评委3 :I want to tell you , strive for the best , prepare for the worst.
It take lots of practice to have pure pronunciation . I hope I can see you again .
选手 :Thank you
主持人:Wonderful time was always short ,Let's see you next time 。
美好的时光总是短暂, 让我们下次再见。