《我不是药神》火到了国外,外媒是如何评价的?(附影片经典台词英译)_百 ...
影片讲述了一位神油店老板程勇成为印度生产的“格列宁”(一种慢粒白血病的抗癌药物)仿制药的中国代理商,生活也随之发生巨变的故事。在117分钟的电影中,欢声笑语与涕泪横飞并存,展现人性道德,以及对社会现实的抗争。The film is about Cheng Yong, played by Xu, a pharmaceutical salesman who becomes a hero by helping people get cheaper cancer medicine. The 117-minute film combines both laughter and tears, showing the humanity of one man up against the reality of society.
美国电影网站Deadline:“《我不是药神》:中国的黑喜剧&社会戏剧在当地票房丰收”就连印度媒体《印度快报》(Indian Express) 也发现这部与“印度神药”有关的中国电影火了↓↓↓“关于印度低成本救命药的黑喜剧在中国意外爆火”而更多的外媒则是好奇:这是一部怎样的电影,为什么大火?
北美著名电影媒体《好莱坞报道者》(Hollywood Reporter) 称这部电影为“中国版《达拉斯买家俱乐部》”↓↓↓“关于药品走私的情景喜剧《我不是药神》如何成为中国票房的一部现象级电影?”
The film is based on the real-life story of Lu Yong, a textile trader who was diagnosed with leukemia and spent over $80,000 on official medication before turning to smuggling a vastly cheaper generic alternative from India. He went on to save more than 1,000 lives b
y bringing the drug into China for other patients, before he was arrested and charged in 2014 with selling fake drugs.
这部电影根据陆勇的真实故事改编而成,这位纺织品贸易商被诊断出患有白血病,从印度走私低廉的仿制药之前,他在官方药品上的花费已经超过了8万美元。之后,他将这种药带给了其他的中国病友,拯救了1000多条生命,后于2014年因贩卖假药被捕。After news of Lu's saga spread, many in the local and international media began comparing him to the hero of Dallas Buyers Club, the 2013 Matthew McConaughey Oscar winner about a Texas man who sold unregulated AIDS drugs to help fellow HIV sufferers in the 1980s.
陆勇的事迹传播开来之后,许多当地以及国际媒体开始将他比作2013年由马修·麦康纳主演的奥斯卡获奖影片《达拉斯买家俱乐部》中的主人公。影片讲述了上世纪80年代,一位来自德克萨斯州的男子售卖未经批准的抗艾滋病药物,用以帮助艾滋病病友的故事。Critics have hailed Dying to Survive as a breakthrough for the Chinese film industry — a rare work of stirring social significance from addressing topics related to China's real-life problems. Several preview screenings have ended in standing ovations.
影评人们赞扬《我不是药神》是中国电影行业的一大突破 —— 这是一部通过讨论与中国现实生活相关的问题,从而产生轰动社会意义的罕见之作。几场点映场都收到了不错的反响。英国权威电影刊物《国际银幕》(Screen Daily) 的影评盛赞了徐峥的演技,称其成功实现影片基调的转换↓↓↓“《我不是药神》影评”Director Wen Muye pivots the film’s gradual shift in tone on his leading man as early knockabout escapades give way to a solemn mood with a committed Xu conveying Cheng’s change from opportunistic businessman to true crusader without shaving off the character’s rougher edges. Xu has stretched beyond his beleaguered everyman persona before with mixed results in the likes of The Great Hypnotist (2015), and A or B (2018) but his sterling performance here is arguably his best to date. Xu co-produced with his frequent collaborator Ning Hao of Crazy Stone (2006), No Man’s Land (2013), and Breakup Buddies (2014) fame, with the trendsetting director’s influence evident in the acerbic initial hour, which thrives on hectic pacing and quick-witted banter.
峥曾在包括《催眠大师》以及《幕后玩家》等多部作品中尝试不同的角突破,他在这部影片中的演技无疑是迄今为止他所有作品中最棒的。徐峥和他的老搭档宁浩曾联合制作《疯狂的石头》(2006)、《无人区》(2013)以及《心花路放》(2014)等名作,再加上导演创新的风格在毒舌的头一个小时中显而易见,电影步调相当紧凑,还有不少机智的戏谑。It’s the palpable anger of the second half, though, that gives Dying to Live its sting and makes Wen’s film much more than a savvy star vehicle.
影片后半场明显的愤怒让《我不是药神》戳中了痛点,也让文牧野的这部电影不仅仅是一部由众多明星堆砌起来的影片。刷完外媒报道,接下来是世纪君的台词分享时间~看过影片的小伙伴们想必都被片中的某些台词戳中了痛点,以下是世纪君精选的几段经典台词及其英文翻译,拿走不谢哦~ “世界上只有一种病,就是穷病。”“There is only one illness in the world—poverty.”
“印度是穷人的药房。”“India is the pharmacy for the poor.” “为了买药,房子没了,家人也拖垮了。”“The pricy drugs have taken away my house as well as the happiness of my family.”
“他才二十岁,他只是想要活着,犯了什么罪。”“He is only twenty. All he wants is to survive. What crime has he committed? ”“他们根本吃不起正版药,他们就等着我把药带回去救他们的命。”“They cannot afford official drugs. They are waiting for the cheap drugs to save lives.”
