    70年代末的英文 70年代末的英文 The end of 70s 70年代末的英语例句 1. Even at the end of 70 s he was the leader of an avantgarde. 即使在70年代末他都是先锋派电影的代表人物. 2. The informational management in power system starts since the end of 70 ages. 电力系统中的信息化管理从70年代末开始兴起. 3. In the late 1970s Laos fell within the orbit of Vietnam and the Soviet Union. 20世纪70年代末,老挝被纳入了越南和苏联的势力范围。
中国的英文怎么写    4. When he first leased the land in the late 1970s, he planned to turn it over to cereal production. 20世纪70年代末他刚租得那片土地的时候,曾计划把它改作谷物生产 地。
    5. He was governor of the province in the late 1970s. 他在20世纪70年代末担任该省的省长。
    6. There were further developments between the late 1970 s and the early 1980 s. 70年代末80年代初,中国航天事业得到了进一步发展. 7. By the end of 1970 s, the state nationalis
m had replaced pan - arabism. 到20世纪70年代末, 国家为主导的民族主义已经代替以联合为指向 的泛阿拉伯民族主义. 8. In the late 1970 s, Aprovecho produced a popular stove called the Lorena.70年代末, 阿布罗威奇研制出一个叫做洛雷纳的非常受欢迎的炉灶. 9. This was followed, at the end of the 1970 s, by a machine called an apple. 70年代末, 在牛郎星之后又出现了一种被称为“苹果”的机型. 10. Many of China“s best and brightest have left to study overseas since the late 1970 s. 自上世纪70年代末以来,中国许多最优秀的人才纷纷赴海外留学. 11. The third part - the American policies to Afghan from 1950 s to 1970 s - is the major content. 第三部分,50年代初至70年代末美国的对阿政策. 12. Even the longer - established McKinsey did not call itself an adviser on strategy until the late 1970 s. 即便是成立时间较长的麦肯锡也直到上世纪70年代末才自称为战略 咨询公司. 13. That was the end of the 1970 s and the Reform and Opening had just started. 那时是上世纪70年代末,改革开放刚刚起来. 14. In the late 70“s, country singer Nellie Wilson wrote a song On the Road Again. 七十年代末, 美国乡村歌手韦力-奈尔逊写过一首歌《再一次上路》, 我一听就喜欢. 70年代的双语例句 1. You remember that martini campaign in the "70 s 你还记得70年代的马天尼战争 么 2. The 70 s became a decade of segmentation and lin
e extension. 70年代是市场区分和产品线外延的年代.3. Molecular techniques for genetic engineering came to the world during 70 s. 遗传工程的分子技术于本世纪70年代问世. 4. Finished during 70 time thermoplastic of finishing equipment make. 70年代期间完成了热塑表面处理设备的制作. 5. Sharif in Lahore as age of 70 Pakistan China Friendship Association treasurer. 谢里夫曾于70年代担任拉合尔巴中友协司库. 6. A 70"s activist went to see as a committed drinker and bowler. 作为一名忠实的酒徒和投手,一位70年代的活动家开始变得颓废. 7. C language is available in the early 70"s. C语言是在70年代初问世的. 8. The early 70 s, he has a floor area of 630 square feet. 70年代初, 他已拥有楼宇面积共630万平方英尺. 9. Single transistors were superseded in the 1960 s and "70 s by integrated circuits. 在1960年代、70年代,集成电路取代了单独的晶体管. 10. The Punks"subculture started in the mid 70 s. 庞克的次文化是从70年代中期开始的. 11. I like pop music from the 70 ";
    s. 我喜欢 70年代 的流行音乐. 12. Even at the end of 70 s he was the leader of an avantgarde. 即使在70年代末他都是先锋派电影的代表人物. 13. Eventually, pound in U.S. dollars into the 70 s followed a managed floating exchange rate era.最终, 英镑在70年代尾
随美元进入有管理的浮动汇率时代. 14. Still, many people continue to use the 70 s to denounce all things liberal or activist. 依然, 那么多人不断地用70年代来抨击所有开明或实干之事. 15. The duo ended as West and Chamberlain each retired in the early "70 s. 此二人于上世纪70年代初双双退役.
