There will be a miracle when you believe. Against all odds, a beloved border collie (博德牧羊犬) has amazingly been ___1___ with her owners who spent 57 days searching for her.
Carole King and her husband Verne had traveled to Kalispell from their home in Spokane, Washington so they could enjoy a relaxing 4-day 孕妇护肤品十大排行___2___ in the mountain wilderness.
___3___ , their vacation turned into a ___4___ search mission after they found that their 7-year-old border collie named Katie had ___5___ from their room.
The Kings immediately ___6___ their return trip home so they could stay in Kalispell and search for Katie. For several weeks, they 经典gl小说推荐___7___ hundreds of advertising leaflets throughout the community; they published her ___8___ on social media channels and Facebook groups; concerned local citizens helped them ___9___the countryside — but they still couldn’t find Katie.
At one point, Carole traveled back home so she could go back to her job as a mail carrier; b
ut when they ___10___ her request to take additional time off to keep searching, she ___11___.
___12___ returning to Kalispell once more, Carole continued the search. At that time, Verne flew back home to take her ___13___ to look after their other pets. Thankfully, a local family in Kalispell offered to ___14___ her until she found Katie.
By the time September ___15___, Carole began to lose hope. She missed her home, husband, and pets, but Verne ___16___ her to continue looking for one more week.
She then received a ___17___ from a resident who said that he had seen a border collie in his yard. Carole visited the property, but found nothing — until they ___18___ a pair of hikers who pointed out a border collie that had been resting under a nearby tree. When Carole called Katie’s name, the dog ran bounding into her arms.
Though Katie had lost much ___19___支付限额怎么解除 in the wild, she was in relatively good health — and she was overwhelmed (被淹没) with joy. Carole now hopes that their story will ___20___ other pet owners to never give up on their missing animals.
1.A.returned    B.reunited    C.replaced    D.restored
2.A.breakdown    B.overlook    C.getaway    D.outlet
3.A.Therefore    B.Instead    C.Moreover    D.However
4.A.disturbing    B.thrilling    C.threatening    D.appealing
5.A.stormed    B.disappeared    C.transferred    D.hidden
6.A.canceled    B.shortened    C.reserved    D.completed
7.A.purchased    B.promoted    C.distributed    D.collected
8.A.picture    B.story    C.name    D.location
9.A.contact    B.identify    C.explore    D.comb
10.A.learned    B.declined    C.considered    D.repeated
11.A.hesitated    B.compromised    C.resigned    D.suffered
12.A.For    B.Until    C.Upon    D.In
13.A.part    B.chance    C.turn    D.place
14.A.consult    B.host    C.equip    D.protect
15.A.rolled around    B.came about    C.went back    D.drew up
16.A.reminded    B.promised    C.encouraged    D.required
17.A.signal    B.call    C.gift    D.letter
18.A.turned to    B.called in    C.picked out    D.ran into
19.A.patience    B.wealth    C.appetite    D.weight
20.A.persuade    B.induce    C.warn    D.inspire
“WELCOME TO HELL, LADIES!” says Mr. Smith, the ____21____ of the adult ballet class. I force a smile as he presses down on my stiff (僵硬的) back, attempting to be a littl
e more ____22____.
When I was a little girl, I ____23____ elegantly dancing across the stage like the Swan Princess. With several reasons, my hopes of taking ballet lessons were ____24____. But every so often, usually while watching a brilliant performance of Swan Lake, those little ____25____ of unfulfilled desire would speak up and say that I should take lessons before it’s too late.
And here I am - more than 50 years - finally ____26____ for it.
I’m an absolute ____27____, but 30 years older than the rest of the participants in the adult class. We are practising “port de bras,” a ballet term for the ____28____ of the arms. I flutter (挥动) my arms, awakening my inner ____29____. “Your hands, they look like claws of a chicken,” Mr Smith ____30____. “No one wants to look at that. It’s ugly.” He ____31____ his finger at various body parts while ____32____ giving feedback, “Head up, neck long, chest proud, stomach in, back straight, bottom tight.” Every time he looks at me, I instantly know that I’ve missed ____33____. So I take note of every previo
us____34____ to gain his approval.
After a few sessions, I find myself looking forward to taking ballet classes with a mix of anxiety and excitement. Between classes, I ____35____ my posture (姿势) in every window I pass. I’m ____36____服装搭配图片. My hands are less claw-like and my posture a little more ____37____. And I constantly imagine I’m on stage, holding the audience entirely in my windows错误恢复____38____.
