If I have time, I will go with them. 假若我有时间,我就同他们去。(陈述语气)
If I were you, I would go with them. 假若我是你,我就同他们去。(虚拟语气)
若与现在事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would,
could, might)+动词原形
If you took a taxiyou’d get there quicker. 如果你坐出租车去,你可以快一点到那里。(但你不坐)
If I knew her number I could ring her up. 要是我知道她的电话号码,我就可以给她打电话了。(可惜我不知道)
若与过去事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去完成时(had+过去分词),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+have+过去分词
If I’d left soonerI’d have been on time. 要是我早点动身,我就准时到了。(但我动身太迟了)
If we had found him earlier we could have saved his life. 要是我们当时早点到他的话,
若与将来事实相反,条件从句的谓语用过去式(be通常用were),主句谓语用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形
If he wentwould you go too? 如果他去,你也去吗?(大概他不会去)
If I asked himI’m sure he’d help us. 如果我向他提出要求,肯定他会帮助我们。(不过我不打算这样做)
主句谓语中的should主要用于第一人称后。would, might, could的大致区别是:would表示结果,might表示可能性,could表示能力、允许或可能性。比较:
If you tried again you would succeed. 要是你再试一试,你就会成功的。(would表结果)
If you tried again you might succeed. 要是你再试一试,你可能会成功的。(might表可能)
If you tried again you could succeed. 要是你再试一试,你就能成功了。(could表能力)
条件从句的谓语动词为be时,不管其主语为单数还是复数通常都用were,但在口语或非正式文体中的单数第一人称和第三人称后,也可用was,不过在 If I were you这样的表达中,通常还是以用were为宜。
If he would live on with me, I would be his better half. 要是他还愿意跟我过,我仍会做他的妻子。
对于与将来事实相反的情形,请注意以下几点:一是这里说的与将来事实相反,实为对将来情况的推测;二是此用法中的条件从句谓语除用过去式外,有时也用“should+动词原形”(表示可能性极小,常译为万一”)“were to+动词原形”(表示与将来事实相反的假设);三是当条件从句使用“should+动词原形talk的过去式这样的谓语时,主句谓语除可用“should (would, could, might)+动词原形这样的虚拟语气外,也可用陈述语气或祈使语气:
If it should rain tomorrow, don’t expect me. 万一明天下雨,就不要等我了。
I should see him, I’ll tell him. 万一我见到他,我就告诉他。
1. 与现在事实相反:条件句的谓语动词用一般过去式(be一般用were) ,主句谓语用would /should /could /might +动词原形。如:
If I were you, I would never do that. 如果我是你,我决不做那件事。
If it weren’t for (=But for) your help, I would still be homeless. 若不是你帮忙,我现在还是无家可归。
If I had more money, I would buy a car. 我要是有再多一点钱,我就买汽车了。
If I was(were) rich, I would buy a car. 我要是有钱,我就买汽车了。
2. 与将来事实相反:条件句中的谓语可用一般过去式、或者were to /should+动词原形,主句谓语用would /should /could /might +动词原形。如:
If it rained/should rain/were to rain tomorrow, I would not go there. 要是明天下雨,我就不去那里。
3. 与过去事实相反:条件句的谓语动词用过去完成式,主句谓语用would /should /could /might + have +过去分词。如:
If he had taken my advice, he might not have made such a bad mistake. 要是他当初听从我的劝告就不会犯这么严重的错误了。
If it hadn’t been for Margaret, I might not have understood. 要不是有玛格丽特,我可能还不明白。
注:虚拟条件句中有were, should, had时,可省略if,将were, should, had移至主语前。如:
Were I you, I would never do that.
Should it rain tomorrow, I wouldn’t go there.
Had it not been for Margaret, I might not have understood.
If you’d listened to me, you wouldn’t be in such trouble now. 如果你当初听了我的话,你现在也不会有这样的麻烦了。
有时只有主句,不出现虚拟条件句,而是用without, with, but for(要不是) 等介词短语,或者用but, or, otherwise等副词或连词,或者用不定式或分词短语等来表示虚拟条件。如:
But for (=if it had not been for ) your help, I wouldn’t have been successful. 要是没有你的帮助,我就不会成功。
I was so busy then, otherwise, I would have helped him. 我当时很忙,要不然,我会帮助他的。
We couldn’t have finished it without Mary. 如果没有玛丽,我们是不能按时完成这个工作的。
To hear him talk (=If you could hear him talk…) , you’d think he was Prime Minister. 听他讲话你会以为他是首相。
Given more time, I could have done it better. 要是多给一点时间,我会做得更好。
wish, if only, as if, would rather等后的从句中
这些从句的谓语动词的形式是:若与现在或将来事实相反,用一般过去式(动词be一律用were) ;若与过去事实相反,用过去完成式。如()
I wish it were spring here all the year round. 但愿这里四季如春。
I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time. 但愿当初不该浪费这么多时间就好了。
If only she would go with me! 她要是愿意和我一道去就好了!
If only I had listened to my parents! 我要是听了我父母的话就好了。
Li Ming speaks English as if he were an American. 李明说英语好像是美国人。
I would rather he came tomorrow. 我宁愿他明天来。
I’d rather he hadn’t told me about it. 我宁愿他没告诉我这事。
as if/as though引导的从句若是事实,就不必用虚拟语气。如:
It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来要下雨的样子。
as if/as though引导的从句中
He speaks English as though he were an American. 他说英语跟美国人差不多。
It’s time that…that从句的谓语动词
It is time that we got ready for the final examination. 该是我们为期末考试做准备的时候了。
How long will it take to get there?  到那儿需要多长时间?
