How do you like your steak cooked
1.How do you like your steak cooked? 你的牛排要几分熟?
2.1. How do you like your steak cooked? 你的牛排要几分熟?
    通常点牛排, 或是在高级一点的餐厅点牛肉汉堡, 服务生都会这样问你, How do you like it cooked? 回答的方式, 全熟是 well done, 七分熟: medium well, 五分熟 : medium, 四分熟: medium rare, 三分熟: rare.
    你摸摸自己头上的各部位就知道你的牛排等一下煮出来是什么样子, well-done 就是头顶, 硬梆梆的, medium well 就是额头, 稍微有点弹性. medium 是鼻头, 软软的. rare 是下巴最柔软的部分. 我觉得这个分法蛮实用的, 跟各位分享一下.

2. How do you like you egg cooked?
3. Did you burn it? 你把它烤焦了吗?
   . 这时如果你看到你的室友一脸无辜地站在你面前, 你就可以问他, Did you burn something?
4. Can I have some more bread? 能再多给我点面包吗?
    美国餐厅中的面包吃完了可以一直拿不用钱, 所以吃不饱时就尽量吃面包吧! 另外提醒一点, 国内说的土司面包在美国就叫 bread, 所谓的土司面包 (toast) 指的是在面包上涂上一层蒜泥或是奶油下去烤的面包才叫 toast。

5. Can you give me a doggie bag?
6. Check, please. 结帐
1. Good game. Man. You took me easily. 这是一场很棒的比赛, 你轻轻松松地击败我了.
3. Do you want a rematch? 要不要再赛一盘?
   Rematch 字典上查到的意思是复赛,保持战果最重要了. 这句话也可以简单地说, Do you want to play again? 但是这二者都蛮常用的.
4. No, I smell. I need to go home and take a shower.
5. Let's call it a day. 今天就到此为止吧.
   当你打得很累不想打了, 你就可以跟你的队友说, "That's enough for me. Let's call it a day!"
1. He was so hard on me last night. 他昨晚对我很凶.
2. I have a hard time with my girlfriend. 我跟我女友关系非常不好.
    You will have a hard time getting a ticket. (你要买到票是很困难的) 又比方说你朋友作错事, 但他却一直不承认他自己有错. Why do you have such a hard time admitting it? 你要承认错误有那么困难吗?
3. You're getting on my nerves.
4. Get off my back, I didn't sleep last night. 不要再烦我了, 我昨晚没睡耶!
      这句话跟上一句刚好是一对. 比如说你一早去上班, 老板就说你这个不是, 那个不是, 工作为什么又没做完, 这句话就可以派上用场了! 你可以大声地跟老板说, Get off my back. I didn't sleep last night. 然后再来你就可以准备收拾东西走路了 . 因为你老板可能会跟你说, Then get out of my face, I don't want to see you again.

5. Cut me some slack! Give me some slack! \
Unit 2. Part 8. At the restaurant.

Dialogue 1.
W: How about having lunch at super star restaurant?
M: I am sorry but all I can afford today are a big Mac and small coke.
W: Don’t worry about that, lunch is on me.
M: I can’t do that.
W: Come on. I insist.
M: Well, if you insist. Thank you, but next time I’ll treat.
W: Fine, that’s a deal.

Dialogue 2.

W: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
M: Yes, the reservation is under Lin.
W: Very good, Mr. Lin. Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking seating?
M: Non-smoking please.
W: If you follow me, I will show you to your table.
M: Thank you.
W: You are welcome. Your server will be with you right away to take you drink water.

Dialogue 3.

M: What do you recommend?
W: We have a daily chef special of fried chicken.
M: What side dish comes with the special?
W: Aside salad and your choice of baked potato or steamed rice.
M: I will have the special with the salad and potato.
W: Anything else?
M: Yes, a glass of iced water.

Dialogue 4.

W: Could you tell me how this thing is cooked?
M: Lobster? It’s steamed and served with our special sauce.
W: Is it good?
M: Sure. It’s our most popular dish.
W: I think I will try some lobster and give me some green salad together.
M: We have 3 dressings for salad. Which one would you like?
W: What kind do you have?
M: We have Italian and French.
W: Make it French, please.

Dialogue 5.

W: Have you had time to look over the menu?
M: Oh, yes. I would like the beef steak.
W: How would you like your meat cooked?
M: Well done, please.
W: Would you like a side salad?
M: No, thanks.
W: Very good. I will bring your appetizer immediately.

how are you是什么意思1. This dish doesn’t agree with me.
2. I will bring your appetizer soon.
3. What would you like for your main course?
4. I’ll have my steak well done.
5. I’d like to start with a little soup.
6. I want my steak rare.
7. Let’s go dutch this time.
8. Can I order take out here?
9. Would you prefer the set course or a la carte?
10. What’s your recommendation, waiter?
11. Waiter, could you please send up two bottles of beer?
12. What side dishes do you need?
13. I’ve already made a pig of myself.
14. Let’s just have a light meal.
15. What is the special on today’s menu?
