般疑问句)。1. 前部分肯定,后部分否定。 2. 前部分否定,后部分肯定。
is /was are/were There be can will have 表示“有”或在 has 完 成 时 中 当 助 had 动词 have 表示“有 ”或 has 当实义动词 had
isn't/ wasn't aren't /weren't be there can't won't haven't hasn't hadn't don't doesn't didn't
He is/ was a student, isn't /wasn't he? They are/ were here, aren't /weren't they? There is a book on the desk, isn't there? He can speak English, can't he? They will wait for you, won't t
hey? They have a room, haven't they? He hasn't cleaned his room, hasn't he? You had a dog last year, hadn't you? They have a class meeting , don't they? He has breakfast at home, doesn't he? The girl had a good time, didn't she?
have /has /had to
You have to stay at home, don't you?
had better 行为动词的 一般现在时 一般过去时
No,not,nothing,never, hardly,few,little,seldom 祈使句
let us let's 含有 un-,in,im,il,ir,dis 否 定前缀或否定后缀 less 构成的派生词 must be 表推测 must 表必须 mustn't 表禁止 can't 表推测
hadn't/shouldn't don't doesn't didn't 用肯定形式
will/won't/would you will/won't you shall we 用否定形式
aren't/isn't+主语 needn't must 跟 can't 后的动词一致
We'd better go now, hadn't/shouldn't we? They like playing football, don't they? He likes music, doesn't he? The woman bought a book, didn't she? He has hardly done his homework, has he? Please turn it on, will/won't/would you? Let us help him, will/won't you Let's have a rest, shall we? She dislikes it, doesn't she? You are unhappy, aren't you? You are hopeless, aren't you? He must be happy, isn't he ? You must do it today, needn't you? You mustn't talk like that, must you? He can't be a doctor, is he?
I am 主从复合句 I think/believe/guess/ suppose+宾语从句
并列句 used to
aren't /ain't I; am I not I am your friend, aren't I
He said she had been there, didn't he?
动词和主语跟从句一 I think he'll come to help us, won't he? 致,用肯定还是否定 I don't think he is clever, is he? 根据主句来确定
与邻近的分句一致 Mary is here, but she was here just now, wasn't she?
He used to be a teacher, usedn't/didn't he?
this, that
This is your brother, isn't it?
These, those
These are not books, are they?
one, he
One can't be always young, can one/he?
something, anything
Nothing is serious, is it?
everything, nothing
Everything seems all right, doesn't it?
everybody, everyone
Everyone knows this, don't they/doesn't he?
somebody, someone
Nobody likes to lose money, does he?
anybody, anyone
they ,he
No one came , did they?
nobody, no one,none
either, neither
each of
they ,he
Each of the boys had an apple, didn't he /they?
副词的位置some(none) of
It 或 they ,you None of the food was delicious, was it?
Some of the men have come back, haven't they?
or, and , neither…nor, either…or, both…and 复数代词
Neither you nor I am wrong, are we? Both Tom and Jack came, didn't they?
not only… but but 等连接的并 列主语
不定式,动名词,从 句或词组 the+ 形 容 词 表 示 一 类人 there 引起的句子
it 复数代词 there
To learn English well isn't easy, is it? Swimming is great fun, isn't it? The poor had no right to speak at that time, did they? There stands a house and a lot of trees, doesn't
一、 选择填空
they? 6.--That's wrong, isn't it? -- ______
1.Jim is a driver,_____?
A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, it isn't.
A. does he B. doesn't he
C. is he D. isn't he
C. No, it is. D. Yes, it was.
2.You have a sports meeting every year,___? 7. Let's take a short rest, ______?
A. have you
B. do you
A. do we B. aren't we
C. haven't you D. don't you
C. will you D. shall we
3. He has never watched such an important
8. Five-year-old children are too young to go
match , _____ he?
to school, ________ they?
A. hasn't B. has C. is D. isn't
A. are B. aren't C. were D. have
4.They have to work at once,______ they?
9. Hundreds of people lost their lives in the
A. have B. haven't C. do D. don't
accident,_______ they?
5. She often feels tired,______ she?
A. don't B. didn't C. do D. did
A. doesn't B. does C. is D. isn't
10.There isn't any bread on the table, ______?
A. isn't there B. is there
C. has there D. is it
11. Mr King can not speak Chinese,____ he?
A.doesn't B. does C. can't D. can
12. Lily didn't come to school, did she?
____. She was ill in bed.
A.No ,she did B. Yes , she did.
C. No ,she didn't. D. Yes ,she didn't
13.--She isn't a teacher, is she?
