坡道起步作者:谷文豪 王洪亮 皮大伟 石秉良 李楠
        摘 要:针对坡道角度识别问题,探究汽车车身倾角传感器信号与坡道角度的关系。分析了汽车在坡道上的受力,并对车身倾角与前、后悬架伸缩量的关系进行探讨。根据悬架
        中图分类号:U463.54 文献标志码:A
        Abstract:Focusing on the recognition of ramp angle, the relationship between the signal of vehicle transducer and real ramp angle is studied. The force change of vehicle on the ramp, and the relationship between the body tilt angle and front and rear suspension scale is discussed. According to the suspension and tire deformation, error angle of the ramp angle is deduced. A mathematical model is established with Matlab/Simulink and used for simulation to generate error curve of ramp angle. The results show that the error angle increases with the increasing of the ramp angle, and the limit value can reach 6.5%, while the identification method can effectively eliminate this error, and enhance the accuracy of ramp angle recognition.
