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【摘要】本文以佐哈尔的多元论为切入点,在开放的世界英语体系中探讨关于中国英语与中式英语长期存在以来的激辩,深入分析中国英语对于世界英语体系所作出的特殊贡献。提出未来研究发展方向:中国学者应将研究重点放在如何让中国英语与中国文化形成有机整体,构建出适宜中国文化传播的理论体系,建立可随时更新的中国英语语料库。【关键词】多元系统论 中国英语 文化 贡献
【Abstract 】Based on Zohar ’s Polysystem theory ,the paper discusses widespread public debate over China English and Chinglish in the academic field and fully portrays the contribution that China English made to the world English family.Suggestions for future academic research are also listed: Chinese scholars are supposed to focus more time on forming a complete entity of China English and the traditional Chinese culture ,establishing a theoretical framework suitable for the transmission of Chinese culture ,and building a timely-updated corpus composed of China English examples.
【Key words 】Polysystem theory; China English; culture contribution
以列著名理论学者伊塔马•埃文-佐哈尔(Itamar Even-Zohar)最早构建并提出“多元系统论”(Polysystem theory)。由于佐哈尔把翻译研究放在整个历史的角度,以宏观、动态的眼光,为翻译研究的发展提供了一套新的研究框架和模式。其实,虽然多元系统论被国内学者广泛应用于翻译方面的研究,但它是一种普通的文化理论,可以用来指导任何一种文化现象的整体研究。它是一种开放的结构,各种社会符号现象,如语言、文学、文化、意识形态等,都是由系列不同却又互相联系、相互依存的系统组成。因此,多元系统论能够有效分析“中国英语”这一个体语言现象在世界英语开放系统中的形态及贡献问题。
中国英语(China English)是有别于中式英语(Chinglish)的规范性语言,是一种具有中国语言和文化特的语言变体。最早提出“中国英语”(China English)及“中式英语”(Chinglish)概的是我国复旦大学教授、
论,不论在旧中国或新中国,讲或写英语时都有些我国所特有的东西需要表达,就想到‘四书’、‘五经’、‘科举’、‘八股文’……‘进士’、‘翰林院’等名词。这些都是英语民族过去和现在所没有的,当然没有现成的译。这些一般分别译作 ‘Four Books ’,‘Five Classics ’,‘imperial competitive examination ’,‘eight-legged essay ’… ‘Hanlinyuan ’或‘Imperial Academy ’。…‘五四运动’(May Fourth Movement)、‘双百方针’(Two Hundreds Policy)、‘人民公社’(people ’s commune)、‘四个现代化’(four modernizations)。”最后他总结道:“所有这些英译不是Chinglish ,而是China English ”。虽然没有具体阐释,但我们不难看出,中国英语(China English)应以规范的英国英语为标准,通过音译、解释及语义再生等方式,表达中国社会所特有的文化等领域特有的事物,使这些具有中国特点的词汇、句式和语篇融入英语语言表达。中国英文怎么写
葛先生的学术观点在当年的学界并没有引起什么反响,直到22年后才有人首次引用。之后随着中国学英语新浪潮的到来,汪榕培、李文中、杜争鸣、金惠康、杜瑞清、庄绎传、张文霞、姜亚军等一大批学者加入到中国英语和中式英语的研究中,从多角度探讨了这两种语言的相关问题。美国人琼•平卡姆(Joan Pinkham)女士专门出书纠正中式英语。她认为,中式英语(Chinglish)是畸形、混合的语言。它既不是英语,也不是汉语,但这种情况可能会被形容成所谓的“具有中国特的英语。”(Chinglish ,of
course ,is that misshapen ,hybrid language that is neither English nor Chinese but that might described as “English with Chinese characteristics.” Pinkham ,1998:1)可见,中国英语为人所接受,而中式英语则是人们在生活、行文中所应避免的。
英语虽然被人们认为是全球通用语言,但它由于受到客观历史条件的限制等原因,缺少一些别国所没有的文化因子。“英语不再只属于英国或美国,而是一种国际语言,人们使用英语的同时并不否认他们自身本土语言的价值。”英语便开始具有包容性的特点,形成开放的结构系统,吸收独具社会文化特的英语变体,中国英语便是其中最典型的一种。目前,对世界英语的分类最权威的说法来自于语言学家Kachru ,他于1985年首次提出世界英语的分类,并用三个同心圈来区分,即:内圈(英国、美国、澳大利亚、加拿大等本民族语言)、外圈(印度、新加坡等英语已经作为制度化普及广泛使用)和扩展圈(韩国、日本等已经或正加大力度普及英语教育使其逐步进入外圈的国家),中国英语属于扩展圈语言。
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校园英语 /
Notional Concord
——The Primary Principle of Subject-verb Concord in English Chongqing Technology and Buisiness University/Hu Min
【Abstract】The principles of grammatical concord,notional concord and proximity are the three widely accepted basic principles guiding the subject-verb concord of number in English,while most people feel confused in real uses and analyses of the three principles By analysing different examples of English sentences,this paper put forward the view that notional concord is the primary one which we should use to analyse most English sentences.
【Key words】notional concord; subject-verb concord; primary principle
【关键词】概念一致 主谓一致 首要原则
The three principles guiding the subject - verb concord of number in English,suggested by Quirk and his collaborators have been widely accepted and introduced by the Chinese scholars in their textbooks of grammar.They are the principle of grammatical concord,the principle of notional concord and the principle of proximity.From the philosophical point of view,notional concord is concerned with the semantic meaning of a sentence,i.
e.the content of language,whereas grammatical concord or the proximity principle is concerned with the syntactical structure of a he form of language.Content and form are a mutually dependent and complementary unity of opposites. Content determines form while form reflects content.Based on the above and following analysis,the author put forward the view that notional concord principle is the primary principle in guiding subject - verb concord in English.
II.Exemplification of notional concord in various English sentences
There are a lot of examples showing that the notional concord is underlining the superficial presentation of sentences. Here I sorted them into four parts—the sentences with noun as subject,with noun phrase as subject,with coordinate construction as subject,and with clause as subject-to exemplify the primary use of notional concord.
1.Sentences with noun as subjects
1.1.Uncountable nouns including those end with “–s”should be followed by singular verbs since they mean single species:
Music is a universal language.
[1]Even-Zohar, Itamar.The Position of Translated Literature within the Literary Polysystem[A].The Translation Studies Reader[C].Ed Lawrence Venuti.London: Routledge,2000:192-197.
[2]Kachru, Braj B.World Englishes: approaches, issues and resources[J].Language Teaching,1992(25):1-14.
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[4]葛传槼.读了From Chinglish to English以后想到的[J].外国语, 1980(6):26-27.
[5]李楠芳.从埃文•佐哈尔的“多元系统论”角度探视中国翻译批评研究的发展道路[J].赤峰学院学报,2011(2):152-154. [6](美)平卡姆(Pinkham,J.)编著.中式英语之鉴[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1998.1-2.
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