Cast of Characters:
Thumbelina (拇指姑娘)
Field Mouse (田鼠)
Mole (鼹鼠)
Sparrow (麻雀)
Fairy (仙女)
Scene 1:
(Thumbelina is sleeping in a flower when a Field Mouse discovers her.)
Field Mouse: (curious) What do we have here? A tiny little girl! (好奇)我们在这里发现了什么?一位非常小的女孩!
Thumbelina: (waking up) Who are you? (醒来)你是谁?
Field Mouse: My name is Mrs. Field Mouse. You must be Thumbelina. (我叫田鼠太太。你一定是拇指姑娘。)
Thumbelina: (nodding) Yes, that's me. (点头)是的,就是我。
Field Mouse: Don't worry, my dear. You can stay with me and I'll take care of you. (不用担心,亲爱的。你可以和我在一起,我会照顾你的。)
Thumbelina: (grateful) Thank you so much. (感激)非常感谢。
Scene 2:
(Thumbelina is living with the Field Mouse when she meets a Mole.)
Mole: (spotting Thumbelina) What a lovely little girl you are! Would you like to come and live with me underground? (发现拇指姑娘)你是一个多么可爱的小女孩啊!你想来和我一起住在地下吗?
Field Mouse: (protectively) No, she's staying with me. (保护地)不,她和我在一起。
Mole: (persuasively) But she would be so much happier with me. Think about it, Thumbelina. (劝说)但是她和我在一起会更快乐。想想吧,拇指姑娘。
Thumbelina: (unsure) I don't know. (不确定)我不知道。
Field Mouse: (firmly) She's not going anywhere. (坚决)她不会去任何地方。
Scene 3:
(Thumbelina is visited by a Sparrow.)
Sparrow: (singing) Hello, Thumbelina. You're such a pretty little thing. (唱歌)你好啊,拇指姑娘。你是多么漂亮的小东西啊。
Thumbelina: (shyly) Thank you. (害羞地)谢谢。
Sparrow: (sincerely) I have a request for you. Would you sing for me? (真心实意)我有一个请求。你能为我唱一首歌吗?
Thumbelina: (nodding) Of course. (点头)当然可以。
(Thumbelina sings a beautiful song for the Sparrow.)
Sparrow: (delighted) That was amazing! You have such a beautiful voice. (高兴)太棒了!你有一个如此美丽的声音。
Thumbelina: (blushing) Thank you so much. (脸红)非常感谢。
Sparrow: (invitingly) Would you like to come and fly with me? (邀请)你想和我一起飞吗?
Thumbelina: (excitedly) Can I? (兴奋地)可以吗?
Scene 4:
(Thumbelina is torn between living with the Mole or the Sparrow.)
Thumbelina: (to herself) I don't know where I belong. Should I stay with the Field Mouse, go with the Mole, or join the Sparrow? (自言自语)我不知道我属于哪里。我应该和田鼠一起呆着,跟着鼹鼠走,还是加入麻雀?
Fairy: (appearing) Thumbelina, my dear. You have a special destiny. (出现)拇指姑娘,亲爱的。你有一个特殊的命运。
Thumbelina: (surprised) Who are you? (惊讶)你是谁?
Fairy: I am a fairy, and I have been watching over you. (我是一位仙女,我一直在看着你。)
Thumbelina: (curious) What destiny? (好奇)是什么命运?
Fairy: You are meant to bring joy and beauty to the world. Follow your heart, and you will find your true home. (你注定要给世界带来快乐和美丽。跟随你的内心,你会到真正的家。)
Thumbelina: (determined) I will. Thank you, fairy. (决定)我会的。谢谢,仙女。
Scene 5:
(Thumbelina goes with the Sparrow and they fly over fields, rivers, and mountains.)
Sparrow: (encouragingly) You're doing great, Thumbelina. (鼓励)你做得很好,拇指姑娘。
Thumbelina: (happily) This is amazing! (高兴地)这太棒了!
(They come across a beautiful flower garden.)
Thumbelina: (in awe) Look at all the flowers! (惊叹)看看所有的花!
Sparrow: (smiling) This is your true home, Thumbelina. (微笑)这是你真正的家,拇指姑娘。
(Thumbelina meets other tiny people like herself, and they all live happily in the flower garden.)
英语话剧剧本Thumbelina: (gratefully) Thank you, Sparrow. Thank you, fairy. (感激)谢谢你,麻雀。谢谢你,仙女。
The End. (结束。)
