教学单位 教育与心理学院
学生学号手机打不出去电话什么原因 25   
题  目  大学生手机成瘾倾向的问卷调查 
学生姓名          庄甜                 
专业名称        音乐学(小学教育)         
指导教师        卜晓艳               
年  月  日

摘要:随着高校大学生手机使用率的增高,由手机引发的手机成瘾问题日益严重,明显地影响着大学生的学习和生活。大学生过度的依赖手机,导致对手机成瘾倾向的加重。本研究通过对300名在校大学生进行问卷调查,发现在校大学生具手机成瘾倾向的发生率是4.37%。男女生之间手机成瘾倾向的差异有显著性。本文分析了大学生手机成瘾的原因、危害,并提出了减少手机成瘾的相应建议。 更多还原
关键词:大学生;手机成瘾;手机依赖; 建议
College students' mobile phone addiction tendency questionnaire survey
Abstract: With increased college students' mobile phone usage, triggered by mobile phone addiction problem is increasingly serious, obviously affects students' study and life.
College students' excessive dependence on mobile phone, lead to the deterioration of the mobile phone addiction tendency. This study through the questionnaire survey was conducted among 300 college students, found that the incidence of college students with mobile phone addiction tendency is 4.37%. Mobile phone addiction tendency differences between boys and girls are significant. This paper analyzes the causes of college students' mobile phone addiction, harm, and put forward the corresponding advice to reduce mobile phone addiction.
Key Words: College students; Mobile phone addiction; Mobile phone rely on; advice
