Module 6 Unit 1 知识点详解-外研版八年级下册英语
外研版英语八(下)Module 6 Hobbies知识点详解
Unit 1 Do you collect anything?
名词fan 扇子;stamp 邮票;shelf  隔板,架子; coin 硬币;note纸币;pound 英镑;dollar(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国的货币单位)元;value价值,有用性。
副词just 只是,仅仅。
介词:as 作为,当;with 用……。 
情态动词:must一定,肯定 (用于表示某事可能是真实的)。
tidy up 使整齐使整洁;want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事;take up占用,占据;sit down坐下;a bit of一点儿;on the shelf在架子上; have a look看一看;so many如此多的;most of……中的大多数;give sb. sth.给某人某物;must be一定是,肯定是;show sb. sth.给某人看某物;collect stamps集邮;all over the world全世界;six or seven六七个;asas ……一样;look at看……;in ones life在某人的一生中。
1. People often give me fans as presents because they know I like them.
2. They must be really valuable. 它们一定很值钱。
3. I’ll show you my stamps too. 我也会给你看看我的邮票。
4. My hobby doesn’t cost as much as yours—I collect tickets, bus tickets and train tickets.
5. People also collect things just to remember something important in their lives.
Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person. & Unit 3 Language in use.
Unit 2such as例如;look after照顾;some…, others…一些……另一些……;make sb. do sth.使得某人做某事;help sb. do sth.帮助某人做某事;as well as除了,也,和,不但……而且……;ask sb. to do sth.叫某人做某事;talk about谈论;tell stories讲故事;encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事;write about编写,写作;come out出版,问世;as a result结果,因此;be interested in对……感兴趣;play volleyball打排球;spend some time doing sth.花时间做某事;as a result of因为。
动物冬眠Unit 3in ones spare time在某人的空闲时间;think about思考,考虑;see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事;all the time一直,始终;stop doing sth.停止做某事;run out of用完,用尽;get ready for准备好……;look forward to盼望,期待;go sailing去航海,去航行;not onlybut also.不但……而且……。
Unit 2
1. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. 有些爱好是令人轻松的,另一些是活跃的。
2. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.
3. As well as the usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, there was a writing class.
4. The teacher was a writer, and she asked us to talk about our lives and tell interesting stories.
5. Then she encouraged us to write about our experiences at the camp.
6. David has been very lucky because his hobby has brought him pleasure and success.
7. I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. 我花一些业余时间为校队打排球。
1. Whats your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?
2. Do you collect anything? 你收集东西吗?
3. I collect coins and notes, you know, like British pounds and US dollars.
4. What do you like to do in your free time? 你在空闲时喜欢做什么事?
Unit 1 Do you collect anything?
(A2).【知识点再现】tidy up
【知识点1】tidy up意为“收拾,整理”,是由动词tidy和副词up构成的动词短语。它的宾语
Lily, please help tidy up the dinner table.= Lily, please help tidy the dinner table up. 莉莉,请帮忙收拾一下饭桌。
There are so many books on the desk. Ill tidy them up. 课桌上有这么多书,我将整理一下。
(A2).【知识点再现】What does Tonys mum want him to do? 托尼的妈妈想要他做什么事?
【知识点2】want sb. to do sth. 意为“想要某人做某事”。不定式to do sth.在句中作宾补。如:
My mother wants me to go to the park with her next Sunday. 我妈妈下周想要我和她一起去公园。
(A2).【知识点再现】Which hobby do you think takes up the most space? 你认为哪种爱好占地方最多?
【知识点3】take up 意为“占用/据(某空间或时间),从事”。如:
That big color TV set takes up too much room. 那个大彩电太占地方。
This job takes up all my time. 这项工作占用了我所有的时间。
He decided to take up journalism. 他决定从事新闻业。
【拓展】与take搭配的常用短语:take away拿走;take back归还;take down取下;take off起飞,脱下;
  take out 拿出;take photos拍照;take part in参加。
He’s the best teacher because he has the most experience. 他教得最好因为他有最多的经验。
(A3).【知识点再现】Sorry, it’s a bit of a mess. I’ll put the fans on the shelf. 对不起,有点乱。我会把这些扇子放到架子上。
【知识点5】a bit of意为“一点儿”,只能修饰不可数名词,可以用a little代替。如:
He may need a bit of /a little help. 他也许需要点帮助。// We have a bit of time. 我们有点时间。
There is a little/a bit of food left for lunch. 午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了。
【拓展】a bit/a little意为“稍微、一点儿”,可以用来修饰动词以及形容词、副词的原级,也可修饰比较级。
【知识点6】on the shelf意为“在架子上”。shelf “隔板;架子”,其复数形式为shelves。如:
What a mess! Let’s put these books on the shelves. 多乱啊!让我们把这些书放在架子上吧。
(A3).【知识点再现】Let me have a look. 让我看一看。
【知识点7】have a look 意为“看一看”,其中look是名词,意为“看;瞧”,相当于动词look,如果要跟看的内容,其后要加介词at;have a look at意为“看一看……。如:
Let me have a look at the map.  让我看看这张地图。
You’d better go to the factory and have a look. 你最好到厂里去看一看。
(A3).【知识点再现】Most of them are presents. 它们中的大多数都是礼物。
【知识点8】most of 意为“……的大多数”,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。该短语作主语时,谓语动词的数要和其后的名词一致。如:
Ill do most of the work. 我将做大部分的工作。
Most of the students like this idea. 大部分学生喜欢这个想法。
(A3).【知识点再现】People often give me fans as presents because they know I like them. 人们经常给我扇子作为礼物,因为它们知道我喜欢扇子。
【知识点9】give sb. sth.= give sth. to sb. 意为:“送给某人某物”。give 后跟双宾语,间接宾语为sb.,直接宾语为sth.,直接宾语在前时,间接宾语前要加to。当give后表示物的宾语是代词时,只能用give sth. to sb. 结构。如:
He gave me a present.=He gave a present to me. 他给了我一件礼物。
