Visitor Information(游客须知)中英文对照版
Notice to Tourists 
Dear tourists,
To enjoy your trip, please read the following carefully:
    1. The Scenic Area takes ticketing admission system, which is one ticket for one person (cannot be reused).
2. Civilized behaviors are advocated in the Scenic Area. The following behaviors are forbidden: spitting; littering; damaging facilities in the area; fights; picking a quarrel and making trouble; stealing; and other behaviors violating the laws .
3. Please consciously follow the rules of the Scenic Area. Children, seniors, and pregnant women may enter the Scenic Area when accompanied by adults or family members.
4. Please take your belongings with you. Goods that are not valuable and not easy to carry can be deposited in the left-luggage office.
    5. Please pay attention to safety warnings and follow orders. Do not climb or jump over the safety guards; do not enter unopened caves; do not crowd or frolic; be careful when walking up and down the stone steps.
6. Please do not take inflammable , explosive旅途愉快英文 and other dangerous goods into the Scenic
Area. The following behaviors are also forbidden in the area: barbecuing; making a campfire; setting off fireworks and so on.
    7. Please protect resources in the area. The following behaviors are forbidden: damaging scenic spots, cultural relics and facilities in the area; pulling down, breaking off the flowers or trees; catching or doing harm to wild animals; fishing, swimming and other misconducts that destroy the water in the area.
8. The vehicles entering into the Scenic Area should travel on prescribed route, and please consciously abide by the parking administrative provisions of the Scenic Area.
    9. If you have any questions or advice, please consult our staff.
Thank you for your cooperation!
