甘肃中考2.试题所有答案必须填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑字迹的签字笔作答。
Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、I have been to quite a few museums, but I can say this one is_______.
A.good    B.the best
C.the better    D.better
2、—I’m afraid I can’t finish the task in such a short time.
—Don’t worry. Can you finish it if you      two more days?
A.give    B.are given    C.will give    D.will be given
3、Waste paper shouldn’t ________ everywhere. It’s our duty to keep our city clean.
A.throw    B.be thrown    C.is thrown    D.are thrown
4、A year is divided into ______ months. September is the _____ month of the year.
A.twelve, ninth    B.twelve, nineth    C.twelfth, ninth    D.twelfth, nineth
5、The traffic in Chongqing has been even ________ since Jialingjiang Bridge was closed for repairs.
A.good    B.better    C.heavy    D.heavier
6、Millie                 Beijing now.
A.don't live in    B.doesn't lives in
C.don't lives in    D.doesn't live in
7、— Has your sick pet dog been cured yet?
— Not yet. It’s still under ________.
A.discussion    B.control
C.treatment    D.repair
8、The boy has a good habit to _____ all the things in right places.
A.put away    B.put up
C.take away    D.take up
9、- Do you think teachers are one of the most hard-working persons in the world?
- _____.
A.I agree with you    B.It doesn’t matter
C.That’s OK    D.It’s very kind of you
10、      is the population of China?  ―It’s about 1.4 billion. I think it's becoming      .
A.what, more and more    B.How many, larger and larger
C.What, larger and larger    D.How much, smaller and smaller
Ⅱ. 完形填空
11、    On January3rd, China’s Chang’e 4 lunar probe ( 探测器) landed on the far side of the moon. There is one side of the moon  that  always  1  Earth.  But  it has another side that we have never seen. This is the far  side.  Chang’e  4  is  the  first  probe  in  history  to  2  land on this side. The landing is being seen as a major  milestone  in exploring space.While this task is of great importance in history, it wil
l also  3  useful  information that could inform our understanding of the early solar system (太阳系), and perhaps even the early space. Chang’e 4 will help scientists learn more about the moon.  4  the far side is less influenced  by Earth’s  gravity,  it is a good place  for scientists to study deep space.Chang’e 4  can’t  communicate  with  Earth  5  .  But  Queqiao,  a  relay satellite (中继卫星), can help us stay in touch. Queqiao was sent into space in May. After Chang’e 4 landed on the moon, Queqiao took pictures and  6  them back  to Earth. Some spacecraft have taken pictures of the moon’s far side before, but no one has ever touched down there.
The ground which Chang’e 4 landed on is grey. It  7  billions of years ago. We can see small rocks and holes there.
Chang’e 4 took six living things to the moon to see  8  life is possible on    the moon. This is an important step toward long-term human tasks beyond Earth. The living things  include cotton  and potatoes.  They  9  in  a special box. There is    also some water and a small camera in it. This is the first time humans have grown plants on the moon. China hopes that humans will one day live on the moon.
The great  task  will  give  10  to the history and development  of the  moon. And China now plans to begin fully operating the third space station of the world by 2022.
1.A.watches    B.contacts    C.discovers    D.faces
2.A.probably    B.successfully    C.especially    D.completely
3.A.collect    B.connect    C.control    D.compare
4.A.So    B.Since    C.Unless    D.Until
5.A.wisely    B.simply    C.quickly    D.directly
6.A.led    B.handed    C.sent    D.donated
7.A.formed    B.forced    C.painted    D.stored
8.A.why    B.whether    C.how    D.where
9.A.join    B.arrive    C.grow    D.cut
10.A.courage    B.rewards    C.clues    D.praise
Ⅲ. 语法填空
Have you ever lied to anyone?
Student 1: I tell lies sometimes because I don’t want ___1___ (be) criticized. For example, I didn’t do well in an exam once. In order not to let my parents ___2___, I told them I didn’t have any exams, so they didn’t scold (责备) me.
Student 2:___3___of vanity (虚荣), I lied once. I was on duty one day, but I was___4___, so I didn’t finish my work. When the teacher asked us  ___5___ anyone was late, in order to keep a good record, I didn’t admit (承认) that I was late.
Student 3: I used to lie to my mom sometimes. She always told me to have a little n
ap (午睡) in the afternoon, and I told her I couldn’t fall ___6___(sleep), but actually I read novels at that time. I lied because I wanted to have time to do what I want, ___7___of doing things I don’t like, even though they are good for me.
Student 4: I lie because I want to have privacy(隐私). I want my parents to give ___8___(I) enough personal space. I remember I went out with some ___9___ (friend) one day. In order not to make my parents ___10___(worry) about me, I told them I went to study with some good students, so they wouldn’t ask too many questions.
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
The British Museum
One of the greatest museums in the world. There are famous exhibitions from ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece and other parts of the world.
Open:--(Monday to Saturday) and 2.--(Sunday).
Free entrance.
Clink Prison
In this old London prison you can experience prison life. You can also have your birthday party here!
-- (Monday to Friday)
Adults: £3.50; children: £2.50
The London Eye
Take a bird's-eye view of the capital on this amazing big wheel. Spectacular views at night!
Adults: £11.50; students/over sixties £9.00; children £5.75 under fives free.
The Globe Theatre
Visit the replica (复制品) of the old theatre. Learn about the life and plays of Shakespeare.
Open:-- (Monday to Friday)
Adults: £7.50; children: £4.50
The National Gallery
This has one of the really great collections of paintings in the world. Don't miss it!
Open: -- (Monday to Saturday) and -- (Sunday)
Adults: £ 13.50; children: £10:00
1.Ann has just arrived in London, she enjoys plays very much, where should she go first?
