风筝,古时候也叫纸鸢(Zhiyuan),是中国人发明的。相传两千多年前中国著名的工匠鲁班用竹木制成了会飞的木鹊(bamboo magpie)。放风筝是一项有益于身体健康的体育活动,所以,世界上许多国家十分流行放风筝。中国人不仅把放风筝当作有趣的游戏和有益于身体健康的体育活动,也常常把风筝挂在墙壁上作为装饰。目前,中国的风筝已经远销到日本以及东南亚和欧美的许多国家,受到了世界各国人民的欢迎。

carpenter; flying kites; be beneficial to; decoration; gain great popularity

Kite also known as Zhiyuan in ancient China was invented by the Chinese people. It is said that Lu Ban a well-known carpenter made a bamboo magpie that could fly. As flying kites is beneficial to one’s health it is highly popular in many countries of the world. The Chinese regard it as an interesting game as well as a healthful sport. Some people hang kites on the wall for decoration. Chinese kites are now exported to Japan Southeast Asia and many countries in Europe and America. They gain great popularity among people around the world.

清明节(The Qingming Festival)是人们纪念逝去亲人的日子。每个清明节前后,通往墓地(cemetery)的路上变得拥挤不堪,各个墓地都挤满了前来扫墓(sweep tombs)和祭
祀(offer sacrifices)的人们。与悲伤的扫墓者形成对照的是,人们也会在清明前后享受春天的美景,因为在这一时节,艳阳高照,树木与青草变绿,大自然回归了生气。自古时,清明节人们就有春季踏青(outing)的习俗。因此有人说清明节是一个既忧伤又快乐的一个节日。

commemorate; departed relatives; jammed; be crowded with; in contrast to; follow the custom

The Qingming Festival is an occasion of commemorating one’s departed relatives. Around each Qingming Festival traffic on the way to the cemeteries becomes extremely j
ammed and all cemeteries are crowded with people who come to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices. In contrast to the sadness of the tomb sweepers people also enjoy beautiful scenery of spring at this time since the sun shines brightly the trees and grass become green and nature is lively. Since ancient times people have followed the custom of spring outings. That’s why people say the Qingming Festival sees a combination of sadness and happiness.

少林寺位于中国河南省郑州市登封的嵩山,被誉为“天下第一寺”。少林寺是中国禅宗佛教(Zen Buddhism)的诞生地和少林武术(Martial Arts)的摇篮。少林寺建于公元496年,因为坐落于嵩山的腹地因而得名少林寺。如今的少林寺因为少林武术而闻名遐迩,每年吸
引着大量的参观者。1983年,少林寺被指定为国家级重点寺庙并与2010被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO )世界自然文化遗产目录收录。

be reputed to be; birthplace; cradle; as well as; be situated in; be distinguished for; appeal to; designate; heritage

Shaolin Temple in the region of Song Mountain Dengfeng City Henan Province is reputed to be “the Number One Temple under Heaven”. It is the birthplace of Zen Buddhism in China as well as the cradle of China’s Shaolin Martial Arts. Founded in A.D. 496 it was named Shaolin Temple because it is situated in the heart of Songshan Mountain. Shaolin
Temple now is distinguished for its Shaolin Martial Arts and appeals to a huge number of visitors every year. In 1983 it was designated as one of the national key temples. It was also included on UNESCO’s World Cultural & Natural Heritage List in 2010.

老子(Laozi)是道家学派(the Taoist School)的创始人,著有《道德经》(Tao TeChing)一书,他认为,所有事物都有对立面,如祸和福、有和无、生和死、贵和贱、高和低、强和弱等都是对立的双方,它们之间会相互转化。道家学派还有一位著名的人物——庄周。他也被成为庄子(Zhuangzi),著有《庄子》(The Book of Zhuangzi)一书,书中有很多有趣的故事,庄子借这些故事来表达他崇尚自然的主张。

deem; nobility and baxxxxseness; opposite aspects; be transformed into

Laozi is the founder of the Taoist School and wrote Tao TeChing. He deemed that all things have their opposites. For instance fortune and misfortune existence and non-existence life and death nobility and baxxxxseness high and low strength and weakness are all pairs of opposite aspects of a unity and can be transformed into each other. Zhuang Zhou is another famous figure of the Taoist School and he is also called Zhuangzi. In his book The Book of Zhuangzi there are many interesting stories. Using these stories Zhuangzi expressed his love for nature.

在中国,在餐桌上喝酒时主客双方都应遵循(observe)社交礼节(etiquette)的某些规则。首先,酒杯应该倒满酒。倒酒时,应先从长辈和上级(the superiors)开始。祝酒(making a toast)时,每个人都要站起来,彼此轻触酒杯,要确保下属(the juniors)的酒杯低于上级的酒杯。多人敬一个人是允许的,但是一个人敬多人则被视为不礼貌。

social etiquette; the elders and the superiors; propose a toast

In China when drinking alcohol at table both the host and the guests are expected to observe certain rules of social etiquette. Above all the glass should be full of wine. Then the elders and the superiors should be served first. When making a toast everyone is required to stand and lightly touch each other’s glass ensuring that the juniors’ glass is held lower than that of their superiors. It is allowed for several people to propose a toast to one person. But it is considered not polite for one person to propose a toast to several people.
