1plain动词  ------complaint    名词(P36)
一封投诉信 a complaint letter       
向某人抱怨 complain to sb               
埋怨某事(人) complain about sth.(sb).   
向某人抱怨某事 complain about sth/sb to sb   
他从来不为痛苦抱怨。    He never ______________ the pain.
We complained to the police about the noise from the party.
complain that +从句
e.g. 一些学生抱怨考试太难。
Some (of the)  students complained that the exam was too hard/difficult.
complaint n.不可数名词“抱怨”;可数名词“抱怨的行动或话,投诉”
2.post,动(过,过分)posted, posted        (P36)
名词,邮寄、邮件    名词,职位
post the letter for sb= post sb the letter    这张卡片是一周前从伦敦寄出来的。   
This card _________ from London a week ago.   
3.I don’t know when I’ll post the letter for you.  (P36)
= I don’t know when to post the letter for you.
I saw that he was reading the book carefully.
=I saw him reading the book carefully.
I know how I should drive a car.
=I know how to drive a car.
4.They could do dangerous jobs like putting out fires or working on high buildings.  (P 37)
put out 扑灭  put up 举起,张贴,悬挂,搭建  put on 穿上,上演
put away 收拾,整理  put off 推迟  put in安装
5.He is always too busy to have any time to relax.
=He isn’t free enough to have any time to relax.
=He is so busy that he doesn’t have any time to relax.
6.I have to buy a robot so that I can have more free time.  (P38)
so that 为了,表示目的,引导目的状语从句
so...  如此,以至于,引导结果状语从句
=I have to buy a robot in order to have more free time.
He is so clever that he gets high marks in exams.
=He is such a clever boy that he gets high marks in exams.
7.The robot made Mr Jiang’s life much easier.  (P38)
make + 名词+形容词,在此形容词做宾补。其它加形容词做宾补的动词:keep, get, think, prove, find, prefer, believe, like
keep the door open
get everything ready
think English interesting
prove him wrong
find maths difficult
prefer this room blue
believe him guilty
like my coffee hot
②英语中有三个使役动词, make, let, 还有一个就是have,句式构成是have/make/let sb. do sth.,其中文意义是“驱使/强迫/让某人做某事”。
注意:make sb do  改为被动: sb be made to do
8.That allowed Mr Jiang to do whatever he liked.  (P38)
allow sb to do  允许某人做某事
My mother allows me _______ (go) out after dinner.
Students _________ (not allow) to smoke.
allow doing  允许做某事
9.It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiang’s needs.  (P39)
satisfy v.使满意  satisfied  adj.满意  satisfaction  n.满意
be satisfied with = be happy with = be pleased with  对...满意
satisfy one’ needs 满足某人的需求
10.A few comfortable weeks, however, things started to go wrong.(P39)
go missing/ go bad / go mad
1) 走动:四处走动;从一处走到另一处
go/walk ______________
2) 消失;经过       
go __________
3) 沉没
go ___________
4) 发生;恰巧发生;继续
go ______
I didn’t know what was going on.
go ___________
6) 复习; (仔细)检查; 审阅;
go ______________
11.When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess: food was laid on the bed; milk was stored in the rubbish bin’ coins, bills and his private paper were spread all over the floor.  (P39)
mess 是名词,常用作单数形式,指地方或空间的“混乱,杂乱”。
I don’t want to see the office in a mess.
He makes a mess in his room.
spread v.传播,散落, spread-spread-spread
lay v.放置 lay-laid-laid
lie v.位于,躺,lie-lay-lain
lie v.撒谎 lie-lied-lied
12.Moreover, the robot moved too fast on its wheels and often knocked things over.  (P39)
knock v.敲,打
knock on/at 敲(门)  knock off 把...从...碰掉  knock over/down 撞翻,撞倒
knock onto撞到…东西上面
13.Mr Jiang did not know what to do with it.  (P39)
=Mr. Jiang did not know__________  _________ ________ ___________ the robot.
①词组do with与what连用,意为“对待,处理”
I don’t know __________ __________ __________ _________ my old bike.
What have you done with my glasses?
②词组deal with与how连用,意为“对待,处理”
Can you tell me ________ ________ __________ _____________ the problem?
14.In the end, Mr Jiang decided to return the robot to the robot shop.
decide v. 决定  decision  n.决定
decide to do = make a decision to do = make up one’s mind to do 下定决心做...
1、 He __________ a lot of places since 1999. He’s a famous _________. He thinks ________ outer space is very interesting. (explore)
2. Robots could do dangerous jobs like ______(put)
our fires or______(dive) deep into the sea.
