Module 9(词法句法过关练)(外研版)
Module 9【刷基础】(词法句法过关练)
1.People _________ in other countries love to travel in China. live    D.lives
2.Please put _________ the pictures _________ the wall.
A.on; up; on    C.up; on    D.on; off
3.There is nothing in the bag. It's _________.
A.full    B.hungry    C.empty    D.angry
4.If it doesn't rain tomorrow, the sports meeting _________ in the playground of our school. holding    B.will hold    C.will be held to be holding
5.We can send and receive photos _________ the Internet immediately.    B.on    C.of    D.through
6.The Internet is _________ bigger than books.
A.very    B.more    C.most    D.much
7.—I won’t go to the party unless Sue __________ , too.
—You mean if Sue comes you’ll come?
A.will invite    B.invites    C.invited invited
8.The children must _________.
A.look after taken good care    C.look the same taken good care of
9.─Take good care of my camera.
─I promise _________ after it well.
A.look    B.looks look looked
10.My cousin told me that he could eat three big apples _____. time a time
C.some time    D.some times
11.Someone with an Internet connection can find information _________ than they can find it in printed form.
A.more easier    B.much more easier    C.much more easily    D.much easily
12.Telephone _________ in 1875 by Bell.
A.will be invented    B.was invented    C.invented    D.invent
13.The Internet was invented _________. a1960 the 1960 the 1960s    D.the 1960s
14._______they may not succeed, they will try their best
A.Though    B.When    C.Because    D.Unless
15.More than two _________ years ago,people knew little about the universe.
A.thousands    B.thousand    C.thousand of    D.thousands of
16.It_______ to drive after drinking wine. allowed not allowed made welcomed
17. The teacher speaks very loudly       all the students can hear her. that    B.because    C.since    D.when
18.Tom stayed at home _________ going to school.
A.but    B.instead    C.instead of    D.not
19._________ the development of Internet,we can get information easily.
A.With    B.Under    C.Along    D.Through
20.There will be fewer workers in factories because most work _________ by robots in the future. done    B.was done    C.will be done    D.will do
21.Little Alice wants to travel around the world in the _________ (未来).
22.Sara _________ (借) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer to me yesterday.
23.Tim is going to buy a _________ (杂志) on computers and technology.
24.There's a lake. It's _________ (满的) of fish.
25.Before you take the medicine, read the_________ (说明书) carefully.
26.What _________(方向)do you think the computer will take in the future?
27.David is badly ill,so we have to ask someone to _________(替换)him as the football player in the coming match.
28.No one can stop the _________(发展)of history.
29.Sometimes bad news can _________(传播)more quickly.
30.China does lots of _________(贸易)with many other countries.
31.Good habits are good for the _________(develop)of us teenagers.
32.Some people won't ask others for _________(direction),even though they may get lost.
33.We should wash clothes by _________(hand).
34.Every day,_________(thousand)of people come to visit the park.
35.Have you _________(hear)from your parents yet?
36.The dancing party _________(hold)tomorrow evening.
37.The _________(introduce)of the Internet makes our life easier.
38.My boss doesn't allow me _________(use)the telephone.
39.If Xiaolin can't take part in the English competition,we have to ask someone else _________(replace)him.
40.I think the telephone is a wonderful _________(invent).
用as a result,because,so 或so that 填空
41.She didn't study hard,_________,she failed the exam.
42.We arrived there early _________ we can have time to warm up.
43.There is no bus here. _________ we have to walk home.
44.I have fun playing games _________ it gives me time to be with friends.
45.The students often go to school without breakfast. _________,they often feel hungry in class.
46.Will the farmers plant the trees?(改为被动语态)
_________ the trees _________ _________ by the farmers?
47.The Internet seems to be growing powerful.(改为同义句)
_________ seems _________ the Internet is growing powerful.
48.Turn on the computer,please.(改为否定句)
